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12th April 1976

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12th April 1976

To Rogerina
I'm sorry don't kill me (not that you actually can haha) but I thought the name was adorable, suits you. Freddie is a genius!

It's crazy to think we are on opposite sides of the world, like everything I do, you do in reverse! When I sleep, you wake up, when I melt, you freeze and vice versa.

Freeze my tits off? Please, when Australia gets cold, it gets cold. Granted it doesn't happen often but it does happen, so I'm used to solid nipples. No I did not just say that. I'm tempted not to cross it out. Ok I'm leaving it. Oops.

You like Koalas too that's amazing! They are the cutest little things aren't they, and oh the softest. I have actually cuddled one, in fact, my sister adopted me one for my birthday last year. We named him Kevin (original I know) and he lives at our local zoo, about 20 minutes from our house. I'm going to attach a picture of him for you in this letter!

I'm not sure if my accent getting you going is a compliment, but I have to say, British accents are a big turn on for me too *winking back at you* Yes! Let's please swap seasons, you'd love sand surfing. It's a Christmas tradition to do it in our family. We wake up at 4 am on Christmas Day every year and go with our cousins before the sun has even come up! I wish you could come with me this year.

I'd love to sing for you. What's your favourite song? I'll send it in my next letter! Playing the drums is hot *another wink back at you* I think it's only fair I get a demo of your drums back? Cars huh? Can't say I've ever orgasmed over a vehicle but I suppose everyone is different. Makes you unique, makes you Rogerina!

I'll be waiting for the next reply, my friend
Ava x
P.S here's Kevin! He says hi!

S here's Kevin! He says hi!

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19th April 1976

To Ava

Oh no not you as well! Well I suppose as your my friend I can let you. That feels nice, friend. Freddie was my only friend until this.

Even though you are half a world away from me, I feel we are connected somehow. I love exchanging letters with you, it's given me a purpose. I hope we can continue forever!

Thank you for that image of your solid nipples, it made me laugh. I like laughing, I mean I don't get to do it very often, but you've honestly made me smile more than I have in a long time.

KEVIN IS THE CUTEST! You are so lucky, I want to adopt him too! Can we Co parent him? I'll be his English daddy and you his Australian mummy! I'm going to pin it up on my wall.

So sand surfing is real. Wow, that sounds like a lovely tradition. I wish I had something like that with my family.

My favourite song is ironically called Half The World Away, by Oasis. It's a bit depressing, but I can relate to the lyrics. It also made me think of you, my friend down under.

My drums are being fixed at the garage right now, got angry last week and smashed them up. When they are fixed I will send you a demo. What would you like me to play?

I'm sorry if this letter seemed a bit short, I'm not in the best headspace at the moment.
Speak soon
Rogerina xx

Let's not question why I decided for Ava to have an adopted koala
They're cute ok?

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