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10th May 1976

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10th May 1976

To Rogerina

I've never been called an angel before, but yes of course you can. I do call you an embarrassing nickname so I guess it's only fair. I'm only an angel for you though.

I was so shocked when I read this. You've been through so much! I'm so so sorry for everything you've experienced. No one deserves a childhood like that. Especially not as someone as angelic as you.

Again, don't apologise. It means a lot you felt comfortable enough to share that. Told you writing it down would help! You can tell me everything when you are ready to yeah? I'll be here to listen and recieve whenever that is. That's what friends are for right?

He must have grown knowing he's found his English daddy. I told him about you when we went to visit, he got very excited! We'll be going again in 3 weeks or so. I am very very dumb, but thank you for believing in me. No one has believed in me before. Charlotte was and still is the golden girl, the favourite. My parents considered me a bit of a letdown, and Charlotte sure did revel in that. I believe in you too btw, and just because you're not academically smart, doesn't mean you are worthless.

Stop with the angel, you are literally the sweetest. Next time I will send a video of me singing, but I won't until you feel ready for a face reveal so you don't have to feel guilty.

May you please play me the drums in a song called Doing Alright? It's by a band called Smile. (hehehehehe) I'd love to hear you sing it as well, so we're even?

Can't wait already!
Angel Ava

17th May 1976

To Angel Ava

I'm honoured to be the first to call you an angel, but trust me, you are.

Thank you so much for such a kind response, it made me feel very special.

I'm going to have to keep this short, shit has hit the fan and I've barely got time to write this.

You might not be your families golden girl, but you are definitely mine.

I haven't had time to record your demo yet, sorry, but I will soon and I will sing on it for you.

Hopefully speak soon
P.S if I don't reply as quickly, please don't worry.


Sighing loudly, Ava pinned the letter up on her wall, stopping to stare at it for a few moments. Of course she was going to worry. She wondered if this was something to do with his crappy childhood. Before long Ava had too many theories, and was beginning to feel a bit sick.

Roger truly was her only friend, and the thought of him suffering almost sent a tear down her face. She really wished she wasn't half the world away from him somedays, and today was one of them.

Who knew a few letters could bring you to care about someone so much?

Oops this was crappy and cringey but whatever lol

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