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20th October 1976

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20th October 1976

Hey Roggie

I know I told you to take time out for yourself, but I still want to write my letters to you, in case you want to read them.

I've got some new pictures of the K's! Keith is growing so fast, he actually looks like a koala now instead of a jellybean. We went to visit him yesterday, and I showed him your picture. He was very excited to see his English grandad!

I can't lie, I have your picture pinned up on my wall. You are so beautiful Roger. If I lived in the U.K. with you, I'd definitely want to date you, there's no doubt about it. Ok, I kinda wanna date you anyway, but I'm not sure if that would work out, you know, being half the world away and all that. I just thought it was time for me to be honest about my feelings.

The zoo Keith lives at has the cutest little gift shop, and when we were leaving yesterday Charlotte pointed out a gift you might like. It's a little koala teddy, and it came with a blanket with koalas printed on. I bought them, and am sending it with this letter. The parcel will be separate from the envelope so I don't know how long it will take to get there. I hope they bring you some comfort, and remind you of your family down under. We are always thinking of you.

In other news, I get my exam results back tomorrow. I am shitting myself because I know I've done awfully, and Charlotte is insisting I tell her all my results the moment I walk through the door. It's only so she can gloat, but whatever floats your boat I suppose.

Hopefully we can talk again soon
I love you pretty boy
Your angel Ava xxx

Hopefully we can talk again soonI love you pretty boy Hugs Your angel Ava xxx

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21st October 1976

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21st October 1976

To my beautiful Roggie

I'm not expecting a reply but I just really wanted to tell you about my exam results...



For the first time in the history, I actually passed every single one of my exams

In case you wondered, I was studying for a degree in zoology at university (we have a similar education system to the U.K. actually)
But, I had to take a load of science exams
I suck at science, but to be a zoologist you have to be qualified in science
I thought they went terribly

BUT I PASSED, and get this

Can you tell I'm excited haha! Anyway, I just wanted to say I owe my whole degree to you, because you were the one who told me I could do it and to believe in myself. Usually everyone in my family just puts me down
But you showed me that I could do it
I literally adore you

Hoping everything is at least bearable for you right now
Lots of love
Angel Ava xxx

21st November 1976

"I thought Roger hadn't responded to your last letter?" Ava rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but I wanted to tell him about my exams." Her sister smiled sadly.

"You're worried again aren't you?" She scoffed bitterly.

"Well, of course, it's been a month now."

"I thought you were the one who told him to prioritise himself?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I can't worry. I love him - as a friend." Charlotte chuckled knowingly.

"I'm sure he's fine sis. Maybe he just got bored of you!"

"Like Freddie got bored of you." Her eyes widened.

"How do you know about that?" Ava shook her head.

"Freddie is Roger's roommate." Guilt flamed in her eyes briefly.

"Seriously? Wow, small world."

28th November 1976

Another week passed with no letters. At this point Ava was convinced something was seriously wrong

"Ava, if you're that worried just call him!" She whimpered like a stroppy child.

"I don't wanna intrude!" Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Then get your ass off the couch and do something other than stare at the door!" Ava refused to move, a pout on her lips.

"How about we go see Kevin and Keith? Roger might like some more pictures!"

"Fine, but if I miss his letter it's your fault."


After another day at the zoo, the two sisters arrived back to their flat.

"Anything?" She checked the mailbox in vain.

"Nope nothing." They both sighed sadly.

"You know what, I'll give it another week, and then call him." Charlotte laughed bitterly.

"Great, another week of watching you stare at a door all day. Lucky me!" At this point, Ava was sick of her sisters constant hostility and just glared at her.

"Just fuck off and go find your next shag Char." She smirked and headed for her closet.


Oh Roggie, wherever you are right now, please be ok.

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