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21st December 1976

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21st December 1976

Charlotte and Ava had been in England for almost a month now. The quadrat had been out for many double dates - well Charlotte just dragged Freddie along so she didn't have to third wheel to her sister. They'd been to all the famous U.K. landmarks and had even become tea lovers - with 1 and 3/7 sugars of course.

Roger was finally beginning to heal, after many more nightmares and breakdowns, of which Ava stayed all the way through. They were inseparable.

It was 4 days before Christmas, and the four friends were putting a christmas tree up in the living room.

"Ok but how is it possible for me to actually feel more Christmassy when it's freezing cold and dark?" Freddie feigned shock.

"That's the one thing I hate about Australia darling, the heat, it's unbearable!" The girls giggled knowingly, while Roger raised an eyebrow.

"Weren't you born in the Africa though Fred-"

"That's besides the point, I've gotten used to the severe cold of England and I've never looked back." Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"I've always wanted a Christmas in winter." Roger smiled fondly at his girlfriend, who was staring at the glistening fairy lights with a longing look in her eye.

"I know you have, you told me in one of your letters." She gasped excitedly at the memory.

"Oh yes, we were gonna swap for a year, and you were going sand surfing while I built a snowman family!" He nodded and kissed her forehead gently.

"I wish you boys could come back with us, so we could all go sand surfing together." Ah yes, there it was. The elephant in the room. Ava and Charlotte were due back to Sydney tomorrow morning.

"That would be lovely Char, but I promised I'd go home for Christmas this year." Freddie exclaimed sadly, squeezing Charlotte's hand.

"Plus we can't afford it!"

"Yeah, we only have enough to get ourselves home just about, sorry." Ava recognised her boyfriend's facial expression, and knew he was about to cry. She took his arm gently and took him upstairs to their bedroom.

"Let it all out baby, let it all out!" As if on cue, the blonde broke down, pulling Ava into his arms.

"I don't want you to go angel, I need you."

"I know, I don't want to go either. But, I'll start saving up as soon as I get back, and we'll write to each other everyday yeah?" He smiled sadly.

"It'll never be enough."

"Are you going to spend Christmas with Fred and his family?" The waterworks started again, and she kissed his fingertips.

"No - I um - his family hate me. They think I'm gay and trying to corrupt their son, even though he's gay as a flower! I'm staying here." Her heart shattered all over again.

"On your own?" He sniffed.

"Yeah. On my own." Now tears fell from her own eyes.

"Oh baby I'm sorry." He kissed them away slowly.

"It's not your fault, I'm used to being alone." She shook her head and brought their lips together.

"I love you."

"I love you too angel."


22nd December 1976

Their bags were packed. The taxi was outside. It was time to leave.

Freddie pulled Charlotte into a bone crushing hug, telling her to write to him every week. Ava smiled. Her sister had finally found something more than a shag. She'd found a friend. Next, Ava hugged Freddie, promising to look after Charlotte and him promising to look after Roger. Oh god. Roger.

She turned to him as he was pulling away from Charlotte, who had tears in her eyes when she saw the heartbreak written all over his face. She really had changed. Ava launched into his arms, holding onto him like she never wanted to let go. She didn't.

"I'm gonna m-miss you so much."

"I'm gonna miss you too. Please take care of yourself."

"You as well, and don't forget to write to me. I'll need my regular updates on Kevin still!" They both let out watery laughs.

"Of course. Have a nice Christmas."

"I doubt that, but thanks anyway, you too." Her lips were on his again, savouring the sweet vanilla taste.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more my beautiful guardian angel." Charlotte didn't want to break them apart, but she'd heard the taxi beep outside.

"Ava we have to go, we'll miss the flight." The Aussie glanced at her sister's worried expression and then her boyfriend's tearful eyes. It was as if in that very moment something switched on in her heart, and without another thought, placed her bag back on the floor. Charlotte frowned confusedly.

"Yeah, alright - see you in the new year then." Her eyes widened.


"I'm sorry Charlotte, but, I've never felt this way about anyone before, and I just can't leave him to spend Christmas on his own." Her shock immediately vanished, replaced by a knowing smirk.

"I know, I figured you'd stay. You wanted Christmas in the winter and now you can have it." Ava nodded, hugging her sister tightly.

"I'll miss you. Mum and dad probably won't but, you'll always have me, yeah? Sisters stick together." She pressed her forehead against Charlotte's.

"Always." After one more round of hugs, Charlotte walked out, Freddie following her with the bags.

They shut the door, and Roger picked his girlfriend up in a spinning hug, placing kisses all over her face.

"I kiss can't kiss believe kiss you kiss want kiss to kiss stay kiss with kiss me."

"Roger Taylor, I love you, and I'm never leaving you." He put her down begrudgingly, cupping her cheeks with his hands.

I've been lost
I've been found
But I don't feel down
Half the world away

The End

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