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29th March 1976

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29th March 1976

To Roger,

I was starting to think I had scared you off already. You're right, I loved getting your letter. I was having such a bad day as well, it actually put a smile on my face, thank you!

I can't tell you how relieved I am that you're socially awkward too. Don't worry, I would never ever judge you, I completely understand you're feelings.

So gathering from your address, you're from the U.K.? That's so exciting! I've always wanted to visit there, it just seems so inviting. I like the sun don't get me wrong, but summer after summer (and winter to be honest) of intense heat can get pretty wearing. I'm from Sydney, in Australia, which you probably already knew. G'day mate! Ha that was so basic.

I bet you have a really cute accent. I just find my voice incredibly annoying! Another thing I've always wanted is for it to snow at Christmas, or for it to be at least cold. I wanna go build snowmen on Christmas Day, and wrap up under a blanket with cookies looking at the snow outside. You're so lucky!

You probably don't care, but I wanna tell you about my interests. I love singing, it's my favourite thing in the whole world, and the only thing I can do. Music is my escape, my only friend you could say. What about you? What are you interested in?

Looking forward to the next letter!
P.S I bet you are a pretty boy, which is good, cos I love pretty boys x


5th April 1976

To Ava

You could never scare me off! I'm sorry it took so long to get to you, I suppose that's what happens when you're half the world away from each other. Aw, I'm sorry about your bad day, keep smiling!

Yes I am from the U.K, London in fact. It's honestly not as great as it seems. After a week of staring at dull grey clouds and freezing your tits off you'll be straight back on a plane down under. Speaking of down under, I've actually always wanted to go to Australia. You've got Koalas! I love koalas, I've always wanted to go to the zoo and hug one. Have you ever got to do that?

The British accent might be cute for some, but in my high pitched voice you'll probably want to block your ears. Yet another reason people say I'm a girl - I do literally sound like one. Don't panic, I am definitely not gay, or even bisexual. Not that you'd ever need to know that really, but I'm just putting it out there. I love the Australian accent by the way, I mean, it's hot. Whenever I hear it on the tv or something, it gets me going, if you know what I mean *insert me winking really awkwardly*

I'd love to have a Christmas when it's 40 degrees! How about we swap this year? You can build a little snowmen family in my garden and I'll go surfing down a sand dune. Do you really do that there?

Of course I care about your interests! You sing? Wow that's amazing! I bet you have a beautiful voice, maybe send me a demo someday? *inserts yet another wink* I play the drums, though I'm not that good, it's just more of a hobby really. I can sing a little bit, but it's not my main interest. I also love cars! You know when you see a really nice model and just think, hmm the machine of a dream. No, ok just me. Right that got awkward.

Can't wait to hear from you again
P.S Music isn't your only friend anymore, I'd love to be if you'll let me! X

Lowkey obsessed w/ that song

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