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15th March 1976

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15th March 1976

Dear Rogah Taylah

Wait what am I doing! Please just ignore that extremely awkward greeting, you may have already noticed I'm completely useless at talking to people. Yes, even through bloody letters! Anyway, I'll start again.

Hi Roger, just Roger, not Rogah! So pen pals huh? I'm wondering what made you sign up to this experiment? For me, it was my older sister, who thinks she knows what's best for me. Charlotte (that's her name) wants me to make more friends, because apparently my loneliness is ruining her reputation. It's not my fault I'm an unlikable human being!

I'm not sure what I should write next, I mean, this is only the first letter. I have to say when I saw your name wasn't female I did get a little excited. I have never spoken to anyone of the male species for longer than 2 minutes except my dad. Since Charlotte and I moved away together, we only see him once or twice a month, so my contact with boys is literally zilch.

My sister always brings home boys. She got the looks and the personality from our mum. I was just left to scrape the ugly barrel. You'll probably stop talking to me when you actually see my face to be honest, it's not a pretty sight. Most of the time Charlotte keeps me up all night shagging her many many man whores. Actually, I think some of them have been girls, she's probably secretly bisexual (don't tell her I said that, wait you can't anyway oh never mind!)

I think I'm rambling so I'm going to stop this here. Hope to hear from you soon,
Ava Salazar (just to make it awkward yet again)


22nd March 1976

Dear Ava Salazar

Do you feel less awkward now I've done it too? Honestly don't stress yourself out about being awkward, I have the most awful social anxiety, so anything you can do, I can do worse. Ha, did you understand that reference, because the saying is anything you can do I can do better, but I changed it..see this is what I mean. I'm already fucking this up.

Yes, pen pals! It's cool right? I mean, people here are alright, but I've always wanted to broaden my horizons a bit. In answer to your question, that's one of the reasons, but also because like you, I have 'zilch' friends. Ha sorry I thought that word you used was cool. Don't take this the wrong way but you shouldn't let your sister get you down like that. It shouldn't matter how many friends you have. It doesn't make you any less of a nice person!

I got excited when I saw a female name too! I literally cannot flirt with a girl for the bloody life of me, trust me I've tried. They just look at me like I'm crazy or something! It's nice that I can write freely without being judged. Well, you might be judging me, but at least I can't see that you are.

I can 100% guarantee you are not ugly. The same can't be said for me though, people think I'm gay because I look so feminine. My roommate, Freddie, calls me Rogerina for fucks sake! Don't worry, Charlotte's secret is safe with me. Freddie is bisexual too, at least I think, but he seems more into guys overall.

I really enjoyed recieving your letter, I'm hoping you'll enjoy mine too. Speak soon!
Rogah Taylah
P.S I just noticed I missed a bit of your letter. You are definitely not unlikable, and even if you were, I'd still like you! Bye bye for now!

So here's the first letter!
Idk if it's accurate, but if their responses aren't late, there should be a week in between each letter. I had to work out all the maths before I published it and sheesh it was difficult!
Lots of love xxx

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