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26th April 1976

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26th April 1976

To Rogerina

Please don't ever feel like you have to apologise to me. If you are going through something, then take all the time you need. Your last letter made me cry a bit. Do you not have a family? Don't share if you don't feel comfortable, but I just want you to know that if you need to vent about anything I am here. Sometimes it's good to get feelings on paper. I'm your friend, I'm here for you.

As you're in a bad mood, I'm going to try and cheer you up with this letter. I'm just gonna distract you and try make you laugh.

Charlotte and I are actually on our way to the zoo as I'm writing this: we're going to see Kevin! I'll send you any new pictures we take of him. According to the zoo keeper, he's grown a lot since we last saw him. Our lil baby is getting older (yes we are definitely co parenting him now btw)

We've not been up to much recently, though I do have some pretty big exams coming up soon. I'm trying not to stress too much, but I'm not the sharpest tool in the box you could say, so I'm worried that I'll fail. I bet you're really intelligent. Not sure why I think that, but you give off a sort of all knowing vibe. Intelligence is really attractive to me, so if you are, that's hot. I mean, you're already hot, but whatever.

I've also recorded your song! It'll be in the envelope with this letter. I hadn't actually heard the track before, but it's really good! I quite like Oasis now as well.

I'm not the best singer in the world, but I hope it puts a smile on your face.

Remember, I am here if you ever want to talk about personal stuff. You've got a friend in me Rogerina.

Ava xx

Hugs Ava xx

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3rd May 1976

To Angel Ava
Can I call you that? When I read your letter, that's what I thought of you as. You are so kind! No one has ever been this kind to me.

My life is a bit complicated you could say. Yes, I do have a family, just not a very loving one. My dad left us when I was very young, and my mum hasn't really been around since. She comes home every night with a new man whore to fuck. A bit like your sister I suppose. I have a sister too, her name is Clare, and I basically raised her. However, when she was 12 she started hanging with the wrong crowd at school you could say, and she hates me now. When I moved in with Freddie, I tried to get her to come with me where it was safer, but she blatantly refused and told me to "fuck off out her life."

God you probably didn't need to know all that. I'm sorry, I just got carried away.

I don't really want to go into everything else at the moment, but there's the basis of my problems. I appreciate you letting me vent, would I be able to do it again when I feel ready to tell you more? If it made you feel uncomfortable don't feel any pressure too. I'm used to bottling shit up.

Anyway, enough about me. Kevin has grown hasn't he? His Australian mummy must be taking very good care of him. I bet you're not as dumb as you think as well, don't stress about your exams, you're gonna smash it! I know you will. I believe in you.

Do I act intelligent? I suppose I'm was quite good at biology and music, but apart from that I struggled in school. I hope that doesn't make you think any less of me now.

YOU HAVE THE VOICE OF AN ACTUAL ANGEL. Ava, seriously, are you an angel? That's the best version of the song I've heard! I wish I could have seen your face singing it, but I understand you might not be comfortable enough for a face reveal yet. To be honest I'm not either. You're going to laugh at me.

My drums are fixed now! What song would you like a demo of?

Until next time

The song is on a tape when Roggie recieves it
I'm pretty sure the version I used was from a Christmas advert abt space lol
Ik Perrie can actually sing but like I needed to use the song so we're going with her singing like this

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