Chapter 25

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Was the first 3 emotions that came to me when I found out my parents were in a plane crash and I didn't know first hands because I was in a medical induced coma, the swelling in my brain caused the coma but now I'm awake my parents are some what back to work and I still have brain cancer great

The people on the plane were my parents, Lexie, Mark, Cristina and Arizona. All of them are okay for now uncle mark and aunt Lexie got it the worse, Lexie had multiple surgeries and mark had very long and hard heart surgery which really hurt my dad fortunately mark and Lexie made it out successfully "miss Sarah" dr Nelson came into the room saying

"Hey doc, whats up" I smiled

"Your parents wanted to let you know they won't be by to see you after rounds" he told me, my smile faded that became a regularly thing but they always told me that and now Nelson is telling me "okay thank you" i told him

A few minutes later my parents piled in with Nelson and the new interns, mom sat on the bed while dad sat in the chair next to my bed "who would like to present?" Nelson said, all of the interns raised their hands "Wilson" he decided

"Sarah Shepherd age 8 came in almost a year ago and was diagnosed with a pediatric brain tumor which was tested to be ependymoma" she said, I rolled my eyes

"Ooo she knows big words" i rolled my eyes even more

My mom glared at me "Sarah stop it" my dad told me, I sighed leaning my head back to close my eyes

"I come baring great news, the cancer cells are almost all gone out of her brain it's just a small amount that we can't take out just yet, we have to see if it will grow over the next week and once we take it out we have to wait a month and if it comes back during that month then she gets back on radiation but if nothing comes back she will be able to get discharged" I heard Nelson say, I opened my eyes very widely

"So I could be able to go home and not spend another day or birthday and actually sleep in my own bed" I said

Nelson nodded "that is amazing" my mom said, I heard a beep coming from my dads pocket "it's the pit" he sighed he kissed my head and quickly walked out the door

Hopefully I get to go home soon I miss my bed

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