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After their little fight every thing was smooth and went back to normal.

Remus went back to teaching. Tonks and Remus had arranged that 3 times a week for the last ten minutes of the last class of the day Tonks and teddy would come down to listen to Remus so teddy could spend time with him.

And Tonks continued to stay home each day with teddy. She hadn't even thought about going back to work. Even though it had been two years since teddy was born she still wasn't too concerned about it since Voldemort was gone and there wasn't a big need for dark wizard catchers.

A couple days before Halloween it  was a usual day for Remus and Tonks but a very special day for teddy.

About an hour after Remus had left for work Tonks told teddy some very exciting news

"Guess what teddy" Tonks said excitedly from the stove as she cooked up some eggs and bacon in the kitchen. Since Remus left pretty early to go eat at the feast in the great hall Tonks and teddy were usually left to make breakfast later on.

"What mama" teddy said as he sat on the living room floor playing with a mini broomstick that andromeda had bought him for Christmas one year.

"Do you want to go somewhere extra special today?" Tonks asked as she stuck her head around the corner to look at him

"Yeahhhh" teddy said as he jumped up and threw his hands up and dropped his little broom stick and then proceeded to clumsily trip over it

"Hold up let me help you there" Tonks said as she ran over to pick him back up and set him on his feet

"Thanks so where we go mama?" Teddy questioned as he looked up to meet his mothers eyes

"Well I'll give you a hint ok?"


"What's your most favorite animal in the whole wide world"


"Uh huh soooo where do you think we're going today?"

"Honey dukes!"

"That's righ- wait no. Try again"

"Uhhhhh maybe the foamy drink place?"

"No where do you think we can find a hippogriff? Who always has weird animals?"

"Uhhhh, oohhh I know it's hagid"

"Yep you got it! So do you want to go see Hagrid later today?"

Tonks had gone with teddy to go see Hagrid a couple times since they got there since teddy absolutely loved animals and magical creatures it was the perfect day trip place when Hagrid didn't have any students. Today was one of those days where Hagrid has no students and had invited Tonks and teddy to come visit his hippogriff he had just gotten for his classes.

"Yeahhh I need to find my hippgiff shirt" teddy said as he took off running for his little bedroom at the end of the hall.

Once teddy got to his room he had one mission and one mission only: to find his hippogriff shirt. He needed to wear it because he was hoping that the hippogriff he was going to meet  would recognize itself on his shirt and like him more because of it. Everything was going well while he was on his mission but There was just one slight problem: he couldn't find his shirt anywhere. He had looked on his bed, under his bed, beside his bed, on the floor, his bookcase and under his pillow

"Mamaaaaaa" teddy screamed as he stuck his head out of his bedroom door

"What did you do now teddy" Tonks asked as she came running down the hallway to find him almost in hysterics.

"I can't find my hippgiff shirtttt" teddy cried and whined "I-I looked everywhere I looked under my bed and under my pillow and on my bed and and ITS GONE"

"Did you look in your dresser?"


"Because that's where your shirts are"

"NO THEYR- oh"

"I put your hippogriff shirt on top of all your shirts so you would find it when you looked in your shirt drawer but you didn't look..."

Teddy quickly ran over to his dresser
M to find it he tore open the first drawer:

"Those are your socks teddy"



And finally the fourth:
"Shirts, well done"

"My hippgiff shirt!"

"Mhmm well spotted"

"Ok I'm gonna put it on. I can do it all by myself I don-

"Teddy would you like some help putting your shirt on?"

"Yes please mama"

Tonks helped teddy take off his pyjama shirt and put on his hippogriff shirt. She then put his black jeans and his socks and shoes on. Once she got all of his clothes on and made sure he was presentable she took his hand and they headed off to Hagrid cabin.

Alright another chapter down! I hope you like this one, sorry I haven't really been updating when I write I usually write about a sentence at a time so it takes a while.

Don't forget to vote and tell me your reviews about this story so far, thanks!

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