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After Halloween November seemed to drag for forever since teddy, tonks, remus and the rest of the hogwarts staff and students were all waiting for Christmas to come.

One dreary Weekend in late November tonks Remus and teddy were sitting around their kitchen table eating dinner when tonks brought up that their two and a half year wedding anniversary was coming up soon in December.

Tonks has had an idea in her mind for a while but she wasn't sure if Remus would want to do it and be on board with it.

"Hey Remus" tonks asked as her hair slowly changed from pink  to green and she looked down and reached across the table to take his hand which was resting on the table next to his plate

"What's wrong Dora" Remus replied sensing that there was something going on because her hair had changed to green which always meant she was scared or nervous

"Should we get married again?" She asked as she looked up nervously to meet his gaze

"What?" Remus Asked as he began to choke a little bit. He was slightly shocked because of how out of the blue this was. He knew that she had only asked because it was almost their anniversary and she always told him that when she was little she dreamed of having a big beautiful wedding and that she used to have pretend weddings with her stuffed animals And dolls, but when they got married that wasn't possible cause they had to have a small quiet wedding during the war.

"Not like actually get married again just the celebration and the party and stuff" tonks said very quickly as she pulled back her hand and shook her head worried that he was mad and hated the idea. Her hair remained green.

"I- I mean I don't mind the idea" he said as he gave a small smile and reached for her hand again. He knew that this meant a lot to not only her but also her late father, ted tonks. He loved her so much and always wanted the best for her and since she wanted a big wedding he wanted her to have a big wedding as well.

"Oh good" tonks said as she breathed a sigh of relief and her hair changed back to its usual bubblegum pink. "I though you would be angry and hate my idea"

"No I don't hate it, I know how much it means to you and your father"

There was an awkward silence for a couple of minutes after Remus had mentioned ted. Of course teddy was the one to break the silence as usual.

"Party?" he asked as he looked up from his little plastic plate of mashed potatoes that sat on the table in front of him

"Maybe" tonks said as she looked down beside her to look at him "do you want to put on a nice shirt and be a part of the wedding?"

"Yeah!" Teddy yelled. He sat there for a second not saying anything but then he realized there was one very important thing about weddings he didn't know

"wait what's a wedding"

"It's a really special party where people get married" tonks explained as she took a bite of her plate of mashed potatoes

"What's married" teddy asked again really confused

"Well, people get married to each other when they know they want to spend the rest of their life with the other person" Remus explained he smiled at tonks and fed teddy a spoonful of potatoes.

"Wow" teddy said as he sat there for a while
"so can I get married to moony?"

"Why?" Remus asked as he wiped off Teddy's mouth with a piece of paper towel

"Cause I want him to be with me for forever" teddy explained in a "duh" voice

"Sure" tonks said quickly as she thought of her younger self. She saw a lot of herself when she was little in teddy.

"Ok so when?" Teddy asked eagerly

"How about next weekend?" Tonks suggested as she mentally thought ahead and everything they had planned for the week.

"Ok I'll be ready"


Much later that night after teddy had gone to bed tonks and Remus were in their room getting ready for bed.

"You really want to get married again?" Tonks asked as she brushed out her hair

"Yes of course I think it's a great idea" Remus said as he took off his tie and belt and placed them both neatly in his closet

"Thank you Remus, I love you" tonks said as she kissed him on the cheek and got into bed

"I love you too Dora, I can't wait to get married to you again" he replied as he got into bed next to her

Ok here's this chapter sorry it took so long to come out! Do you like my idea of a second wedding? I'll update as soon as possible

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