1- Prologue!

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Rome's P.O.V

I walked inside of Hyakkaou Private Academy right when the bell rings signaling class has started. There's no point in trying to run to class I'll be late either way. Ugh, what class am I going to again? 3-A? Yeah, that sounds right enough. I can't WAIT to have a gambling match with someone!!

"HEY, YOU!" Huh? Who the fuck is yelling at 8:30 in the morning? I turn around to see a girl with Blackish Purple hair in a ponytail, with a white ribbon holding it up. Hmm what should I say in a situation like this? Ah! I know! "Yes morning ruiner?"

She walked her way over to me with an annoying look on her face. Like you know, the face that just SCREAMS, TEACHER, DID YOU FORGET TO COLLECT OUR HOMEWORK? You know, that face. She looked at me disgustedbefore saying,  "Morning ruiner? Why that name?!" Heh. I like her attitude, maybe I can toy with her a little in the future.

"Well... obviously you are yelling in the halls, at 8:30 in the morning. I think you earned that nickname. She scoffed at me and asked "Why aren't you in class? AND WHY AREN'T YOU IN THE SCHOOL UNIFORM?"

Ohhhhh.... Shit. What do I say? Hello, I'm a new student who lost her uniform on the way to the airport? Well, when life gives you lemmons... "I'm a school intruder." You make LEMONADE!   BAHAHA OHHH MYYY GOD THE EXPRESSION ON HER FACE IS PRICELESS. I looked at my watch to see it's 8:34. Ok, I REALLY need to get to class. "Well it's been fun talking to you princess, but I have a class to get to." She just stood the staring at me. While I walked away Anyways let's find the classroom.

•°•°Time Skip To where she finds her class!!°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•

Ok deep breath, just walk in and say that you are the new student. I walked in and everyone turned their heads to look at me. Then finally the teacher spoke. "Ah! You must be Rome! Come introduce yourself to the class!!" Ugh, TOO optimistic. I walked inside the classroom and racked my brain up for something to say.

"My name is Rome, and-" I noticed a boy's eyes were staring at my boobs so I snapped my fingers and said. "Yo, boy with the brown hair, my eyes are up here." He looked at me with his cheeks blushed and looked embarrassed.

The class laughed a little and the teacher pointed a desk for me to sit at. As soon as I sat down a girl with blonde hair infront of me whispered, "Hi!! My name is Mary Satome! But you can call me Mary, would you like to play a little... game after class?"

YESSSS LET'S GOO A GAMBLING MATCH YESSSSS. I pretended to think about it for a while  before saying "That sounds great! I can't wait to gamble with you!" She smiled at me and turned to face the teacher again. I have an idea!

I've noticed people in a lower class called 'house pets'. What if... I purposely lose the match with Mary, and become a house pet. So that way, I can gamble with someone who is a higher class and win! Since they think I will be a house pet I will be bad at gambling, and that I would be going  farther into debt. When in reality, they will lose against me and have to pay me eight times fold of my debt! The end of class can't come sooner!!!


Hello!! There isn't alot of good fanfics about Kakegurui so, I am writing this one! I hope everyone is doing well and thank you for ready the first chapter!

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