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We can see a girl running and another girl chasing. The first girl climbs on a chair and held a phone higher.

"Bela....give me the phone or else." the second girl said "or else what Ruhi." the first girl said smirking. Suddenly the main door opened and four people entered. The shock was visible on their face seeing Bela and Ruhi like that. Bela immediately jumped from the chair and Ruhi rushed to a man and hugged him. "Mahir..." she squeals in excitement and then bent to touch Andy and Sumitra's feet. Then she said hi to Kushal who was standing beside them. Bela also came near them and touched their feet. She then hugged Kushal and passed a glare to Mahir to which he rolled his eyes.

Later we can see sehgals giving Sharma some fruits, dresses and jewels. Then andy announced, "so let's exchange the rings, kids." He said and without any delay, Ruhi and Mahir came forward with their rings. While exchanging Bela and Kushal continued with their teasing and gossiping section. After that sumi push Kushal and Bela to exchange rings. They came forward and exchanged the rings.

"so kids we are planning your marriage after 2 days. As you guys want a simple wedding we have enough time for arrangements." Sumitra said

"But mom dad, it's Bhai and bhabhi who want a simple wedding. I want my wedding to be a grant." Kushal complained. "Kushal we talked about this already. Then what's the issue now" Andy scolded. When Bela understand that things are going to get worse she said "uncle it's right. A simple wedding is enough." To which she earned a glare from Kushal. "then Mahir Kushal you take your partners for wedding shopping. We are going home. Take care okay" andy said.

During shopping

" Bela yaar I wanted a grant wedding but why did you say yes for a simple wedding," Kushal whined. "Kushal even if this marriage is for life long we promised to remain friends forever na. So it doesn't matter whether it's a grant or a simple one." She tried to put some sense into his head. "Bela but I always dreamt of a....." she cut him off and said "Kushal look I am gonna wear this lehenga for my adjustment wedding. Make sure you choose some other different colour because I don't want my adjustment hubby to colour match with me." Kushal facepalmed himself and went to choose his dress.

"Mahir I need your help" Ruhi yelled from the dressing room. "what Ruhi," he asked "Mahir I am not able to tie this lace of lehenga. Can you please help me," she asked expecting him to enter the dressing room and then [their private moments]. But her dreams broke like a glass bowl when a lady staff entered to help her. Then she changes her dress not even caring to show him and went to another shop. Mahir followed her and held her arm to stop her. "where are you going in a hurry and why didn't you show me the dress?'' 

"because my dear fiancée doesn't even care to help me when I need him." She says without thinking. "but I send a lady staff inside" Mahir asked innocently. "Look Mahir I know you don't wanna have any physical relationship before marriage and I am okay with it. But still...we are going to get married within 2 days Mahir" Mahir stood still for a few seconds and then drag her to a corner. Then he was about to kiss her but she pushes him and asks "what are you doing Mahir"
" I am doing what you want. We are going to get married in two days then what's the issue Ruhi ." He replied casually folding his arms near his chest. "Mahir I didn't mean that...." She said with teary eyes. "Look ruhi I am like this because I am not loving your body to make out with you. I love your character. The way whom you are. So I prefer doing all these after marriage. It's not like I don't love you but I respect you. And I also expect respect from your side." He yelled and resumed his shopping.
Later both the couples went to their homes.

To be continued.....

To be continued

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