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In the living room...... All are present there. Bela, mahir and Kushal are sitting together. Sumi andy and Maya opposite to them. Ruhi is standing in a corner staring at mahir. Everyone is worried about Maya as she is continuously crying. After a few minutes of silence, Andy says ''look, children. This is Maya, my niece. Ruhi takes her to our guestroom and explains to her about the things okay'' 
''Okay, dad....'' Ruhi replies and takes Maya with her.
''Dad why she is crying continuously. '' mahir asked
''And I didn't know that I have a cousin rather than Vikrant and Anu. '' Kushal says
''Because we never took you to them'' andy said.

''Look, children, you know that andy's family is in a village. His all sibling is living in town except Anand Sehgal. Maya is his daughter. But yesterday night we got a call from one of our family member saying Anand is admitted to the hospital. But when reached, he had already taken his last breath. His house was put on fire by some of the village boys because Maya rejected one of their proposals. We were going to register a case against them but the police suggested not to as they are a very cruel and rich family of that village. Also asked us to take Maya away from the village for her safety. That's why we brought her here. '' Sumi explains

''What about her mother'' bela asked
''She died a few years back. Look children Maya only has us now. We must take care of her. Behave nicely with her. She is from a village. She doesn't know more about our lifestyle. Don't scold or tease her if she does any blunder. So let's go to bed. It's already late.'' To this everyone nodded and dispersed to their rooms. When Kushal was passing through Maya's room, he heard some sobbing sound.  He slowly opened the door to see her crying blowing her palm. He went towards her and kept his hands on her shoulder like normal friends. But she startled and screamed ''Don't touch me....okay''  and hides her face in between her legs.  

''I am not gonna hurt you... I am Kushal. I am the younger son of andy and Sumitra. I am your cousin...'' he said but it's clear that she is not convinced by it.

''Hey are you know are looking like a ghost right now. With red eyes, pale face, messy hair and whatnot. You are looking like a scary blood starving ghost who has been living in some coffin for more than 100 years.'' He said with a weird expression. Hearing him she got scared thinking about her. ''Really'' she asks innocently to which he nods. She slowly walks toward the mirror but he pulls her back. She felt so scared and shouts but Kushal closes her mouth and makes her sit on the bed. She tightly closes her eyes in fear but opens when she feels some burning sensations.  ''What are you doing...its hurting'' she asked
''I am doing first aid. What happened to your hand''  he asks
''Wooh...I opened a tap for filling water in a bucket but when I touch it my hand burned because of hot water. It was too hot that I screamed but nobody came to save me. If papa was here then he would have rushed to me and hugged me saying it's okay.'' She said showing actions like a small child and at last burst into tears. He immediately hugs her and said ''it's okay Maya. You are a  strong girl. Don't cry for silly things like this. Look I have done first aid and it's gonna be okay when you grow older.'' Maya looks at him. She feels so protected hearing his words and snuggles more into him. His words did something to her.

In mahir and bela's room

''Bela please come fast. I wanna pee man'' mahir yelled banging at the bathroom door.
''Mahir you are the one who told me to sleep in the bathroom. Then why are you disturbing me? Lemme sleep peacefully'' she says from inside
''Bela I am sorry...I was just messing with you. If you don't open now then I'll complete my business here itself.'' he said and sat down on the floor.   ''Ohh really mahir'' she said opening the door a little. But he pulls her outside and enters. After completing his business there he comes outside to see bela sleeping on the bed. He lays beside her and cuddles with her. ''What are you doing'' bela moaned when he bit her earlobe. ''I am trying to sleep honey'' he said ''but I am not comfortable like this.'' She said and the next moment she was on his chest. ''This is more comfortable'' both said in unison and giggles. Mahir places a lingering kiss on her forehead and drifts into sleep....ahhh I am feeling jealous of them. Poor writer.

To be continued...

To be continued

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