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''Kushal do you have any idea about the intensity of the problem that you have created. It must have been pretty easy for you to make her pregnant as you only need to put your sperm into her. But what about her. She is too small to become a mother. What about your irresponsible creature. Wait why am I even thinking about you. What about our reputation in society. How can I tell others that my son is having an extramarital affair? Moreover what about ruhi.'' Andy yelled

''Dad first of all...I am divorcing ruhi. The procedures will be over in about three weeks. Then secondly...I did this with her permission okay. So stop blaming only me and give some blame to her too.'' Kushal said back
''What did I do. And how am I pregnant. I didn't marry anyone.''
Maya asks innocently.
''You don't know what we did. You don't know how you got pregnant'' bela asked shocked
''No... how did he give me sperm? I didn't take anything from him like that.'' Maya said throwing her hands in the air. ''I hope now you understand why am I blaming you,'' Andy said glaring at him and mahir dramatically pats his shoulder wiping tears.
''How could you do this Kushal. How could you force an innocent girl who thinks this to be child play? How could you give a girl your one valuable sperm of millions who don't even know how you give her. How could you make a girl pregnant who believes that pregnancy only happens after marriage? I can't take it anymore Kushal. I can't...please kill me..let me rest in peace as I cannot like my life any longer carrying your legendary tale in my shoulder.'' Hearing Kushal makes a crying face and mahir leaves laughing like mad. Bela slowly slaps him and follows mahir.

Everyone enters the Sehgal mansion and goes to their respective rooms. Kushal enters his room to see ruhi there.
''See if you are here with your melodrama then, please. I am not interested in it right now. Please leave.'' He said folding his arms.

'' I am not. It's just that...congratulations. I am sorry for everything that I did for you. I don't deserve you Kushal and also I am leaving. Take care of Maya. She is so innocent that she may do any blunders which may harm the baby. So take care of both. Again I am sorry for everything...''

''Ohh...ruhi I am....'' he said but ''this is what you have expected from me..huh.. then poor boy..I..just wanna tell you that f**k off you asshole. How could you do this Kushal...I can understand that you hate me and all. But I never thought that you would cheat on me. you bastard...I am never going to forgive you for what you did. I hate you. And never in your wildest dream think that I am gonna step out from your life like this. I will teach you a good lesson, Ms Kushal Sehgal. Mark my words.'' Her words did some magic to him. He stood there numb not knowing how to react as he is also guilty.

To be continued...

To be continued

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