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''Are you okay'' mahir asked panicking when she opened her eyes.
''Yeah, I am.....what happened'' bela asked blinking her eyes.

''Really you don't know what happened.....some street goons tried to misbehave with you and while trying to escape from them a car hit you and they let you die as they didn't want a stupid girl like you. Neither do I. But I want that tiny thing inside your stomach as it is mine. Bela why did you hide this much important thing from me. You could have killed it with your stupidity. Ohh why shouldn't you...right. life is just child play for you and we are just some toys in it to entertain you. But if anything has happened to my child then Bela I would have never forgiven you.'' Mahir shouted. Bela slowly kept her hands on her stomach and said ''baby...'' few drops of tears escaped her eyes.
''I'll give you divorce papers within 2 weeks.'' He said which give her a minor heart attack.

''Mahir I am pregnant. How can you do this to me? Leave me, what about our baby. Look mahir me to came to know about this baby now only. I am sorry for whatever I did. I want you in my life mahir. Please....''

''I have made my mind bela. Let's get divorced. Our baby is gonna be fine because his father is not stupid like his mother'' he said and left the room. Bela buried her face in the pillow and cries. When mahir reach outside he saw ruhi and Kushal there arguing with each other. But mahir simply ignored them and left in his car. Ruhi and Kushal reach bela's ward but she stopped outside and waited for Kushal to come out.

''Hey, baby....what are you crying'' Kushal asked taking her in his embrace.

''Kushal he is giving me a divorce. I know I did a big blunder by asking him for a divorce but I did it with good intentions. But when he proposed to me....'' she continued and told him the whole story. After hearing this Kushal just hugged her and strokes her hair. He knew that was what she wanted now the most.

''Kushal I want him back. I wanna live my life with him and my baby together. Kushal please ask him to come back.'' Bela said crying badly.

''Bela please stop crying. It's not good for your baby. I promise. I'll get him back here but please...'' but before he can complete bela fainted in his arms murmuring his name. Kushal rushed out yelling for a doctor. Ruhi who was eavesdropping on their conversation
Runs from there and reaches the hospital garden. She inhales the fresh air and suddenly burst into tears. She sits on the ground on her knees and cries louder. But someone immediately holds her from falling and she without seeing him snuggles into him clutching his shirt tightly.

''Hey stop crying. Please.. '' he said and wipe her tears. But she pushed him and started hitting her head with her hands.

''I deserve this. I am a bad girl. I ruined my sister's life. It's me who is the reason behind her tears, not mahir. I am soo bad. I am soo bad. I am....'' suddenly a slap lands on her face. She looks at his face to see a handsome man with an angry face in front of her. But she takes his hands on her ''slap me harder...come on. I deserve this'' saying slaps herself with his hands. He rolls her eyes and makes her stand. But still, she continues murdering I'll another and stops in the midway. Again she sits down and starts crying. So he picks her up and keeps her in the car.

To be continued...

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