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At night, bela and mahir come home in a separate car and enters together. All think that they came together and are still besties. But when they entered the room bela said '' I wanna tell you something''

''What is it'' he behaved like they are good friends. Bela felt so awkward hearing it as she sounded strange. So she says in a friendly voice. ''Mahir it's about Ruhi''. Hearing, Mahir takes a deep sigh and sits on the bed listening. ''The thing is Ruhi and Kushal.....'' she started but stops thinking about how to explain it. ''They both don't love each other. Ruhi and Kushal are friends and Kushal consoled her even there were problems between Ruhi and him. There is nothing between them. You must have misunderstood.'' He said and smiled at last.
''I am not the one who misunderstood the situation. It's you who don't know anything.''
She tries to explain. ''What do you mean'' he asks calmly. But nervousness was visible on his face. ''Hmmm...mm..she told Kushal that....you both break up and she was so friendly with him. At last, he ends up falling in love with her but she told him that she was just using him for gaining your attention. But I made you come to me and she had to end your both relationship.  Mahir, I don't know whether you're gonna believe it or not. But it's true. If you want you can ask Kushal.''  Bela said and went to the cupboard to take the dress. Mahir neither didn't burst with anger nor dropped a tear. But was in deep thoughts. Bela got scared seeing him like this but to give him time went to fresh up. But when she returned, he was still sitting like that. ''Mahir it alright. Maybe she said that for fun. Why don't'' she was saying but he hugs her and says ''I am sorry that....'' but she broke the hug and turn to go. But was pulled back by a hand. ''I know you must be feeling disgusting by my touch. But I didn't use you for pleasure bela. It was indeed an accident and I don't remember half of it. But I loved what we did that day. Still, I lied to you because Ruhi came back to me apologising and I felt that I am betraying you both. But I shouldn't have said those words to you bela. I know you love me. Mee to love you. But don't ask me what kind of love it is. But the only thing I know is I cannot betray Ruhi and also I cannot make you hate me. As you are my dear dearly BFF, sweet, bubbly, hot, sexy wifey. And I need you in my life as my best friend till eternity.
Will you accept my apology and proposal and be my BFF till eternity. Pleashhhhh'' he said dropping a tear, sitting on his knees with a Ferrero Rocher ( my fav chocolate ). Not to forget his ever working puppy face.

''Are you kidding me mahir. I was telling you something regarding your life and you are here proposing to me. Aren't you worried about Ruhi?'' She asked folding her hands near her chest. ''Bela I cannot live with this guilt. Okay. You know I am a gentleman. I cannot destroy myself like this. I cannot be this much low in my life. I am sorry. Please don't make my apologies again please I beg.'' He adding said sitting on the floor holding his ears.
''Awww...mahil ....you ...al ....lookin...shooo...cute...I..relly ...wanna...
puh......you....chicks. '' she says in baby language and hugs him. ''You..wanna.....puh...my...chicks... lemme..sho...you ...wat ....wanna....do,'' he said and start to tickle her. She laughed madly and enjoyed it till he heard someone sniffing. They look up to see Kushal with teary eyes ''I never thought you will do this to me. You are my BFF okay....you cannot be his..bad bro..you are taking her away from me. You are always like this.'' He complains like a little kid and cries. Mahir hugs him tightly and says ''you are my baby bro kushu and I love you a lot. I am sorry if I hurt you in any way. I am sorry. If you want me to return you your BFF fine I'll.'' He said and was about to take the chocolate from her hand but Kushal hugs him and says ''I love you, bro.  I am sorry'' Kushal said. Mahir eyes filled with tears as after so many years he is having a moment with his baby kushu. Bela felt immensely happy and peaceful for them and joined their hug.

To be continued...

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