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The next day Bela wake up at 7. She looks beside her to find it empty. She then went to Kushal's room to take some dresses for her. She knocks on the door twice and got a reply ' come in '. Then she entered only to see Kushal in the middle of a pile of clothes.

''What are you doing Khushal.....with my clothes'' Bela shouted

''Actually, Ruhi maharani ordered me to clear all your clothes from here  and arrange her clothes before she finishes her bath.'' He replies rolling his eyes.

''Seriously Kushal, you don't have to obey all these. You are not her Ken doll.'' She said and helps him in packing her stuffs.

''So you mean I am a ken doll right.'' He asks brushing his hair.

''Hahahaha...Kushal really...this is the best joke I have ever heard in my entire 2020. And to be Frank, chimpanzees are good looking than you. '' she said only to earn a spank from him.

On the other side mahir after coming from the gym opened his cupboard only to see it full of ladies clothes. He pulled all those dresses outside and poured water on them. He saw some lingerie in it. Seeing them he gave a weird look and tore them like a piece of paper.

''Get ready to face the wrath of Mahir baby girl,'' he says to himself. Then he took the passport and license and burned them. But he made sure that he doesn't make Bela many losses.

When Bela and Kushal entered with stuff, they got shocked to see him jumping and crushing those clothes with his sneakers covered in mud. Seeing Bela he gave a victory smirk and goes to the bathroom with a towel.

When he came back after a relaxing long beauty bath, he saw his mom and dad sitting on the bed with a stern face. Kushal standing near the door and Bela near the cupboard. In the middle, our centre of attraction Ruhi is sitting with teary eyes, smudged kajal and burned cloths. Seeing it Mahir was about to go towards her but Sumi stops him and slaps him not so hard on his face. He looks at his mother with teary eyes as she never raised her hands against him ever in his life. A teardrop from his eyes. He bows down his head in embarrassment and immediately took his bike keys and left the house. Bela went behind him but she didn't stop him as she felt it's better to leave him alone.

''Children just forget what happened here. Kushal goes with Ruhi for shopping okay. Now itself. And bela....where is Bela.'' Sumi asks.

''Mom...I'll make breakfast today as it's my pehli rasoi na,'' she says.

''Mmmm good,'' Sumi says and wipes her tears. As a mother, it pains to see his son like this.

Later Kushal and Ruhi went shopping. Bela made some of their favourites and all praised her even if it was not something great. Mahir went to a park to refresh his mind. But the more he tried to forget the slap, last night Bela's image occupied his mind.

To occur continued...

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