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Mahir goes to the garden and sits there looking at the calm surrounding filled with darkness which is giving him peace. Bela looks at him from their room balcony. She didn't disturb him as she felt he needs it. But when she sees him sobbing silently, she goes to him and keeps a hand on his shoulder
''I am alright Bela.... it just that...I am..hurt and sad,'' he said wiping his tears.
''Yeah...I know you are alright. But as a hot sexy BFF wifey I am supposed to cheer up my handsome chunk BFF husband when he is hurt or sad'' she said and giggles
''Are you sad because she hurt you or you broke up with her.'' She asked out of curiosity.
''What do you think''  he asked
''Mmmm....maybe because...... you....she hurt you. ''She says doubtfully
''Mmm...nope. I am sad because all these years this hot sexy lady was walking here and there in front of me. But who I fell in love with is that crooked needle emotional  criminal lawyer ''  he said with a disgusting feeling

She laughs and says ''stop mahir...she is my sister'' and slightly punches his chest.  he smiles seeing her cute antics and stares into the darkness

''Do you still love her'' he bites his lips slightly hearing the question. 
''Bela I loves and respects her...that's why I decided this. You know Ruhi always trusted me. She believed that I would never leave her in her life. And I think what she did is not wrong. She did it only because she wanted to save her love which she got after a lot of efforts. But what did I do? I disrespected our love. I didn't trust her and me......cheated on her with you. I think she doesn't deserve me, Bela. I don't want to ruin her life again. Especially when I am married to you and attracted to you.....but not your heart.'' He said and bela nodded. The fact that he still loves Ruhi hurt her. But she was happy that.......but mahir said something which was enough for her to bright like a tube light.
''I wanna give our relationship a chance bela'' that was what he said  ''really,'' Bela screamed in excitement. And hugs and kisses him. All of a sudden mahir feels dragons flying in his stomach. She feels so awkward after their kiss and runs from there.
''You cannot leave an innocent mahir after kissing him like this bela.'' He said and started to chase her. Both of them ran in the whole garden, breaking a few pots,  splashing water and whatnot.
When bela was about to cross the path suddenly a car was about to hit her. But mahir pulls her back at the correct time and hugs her.
It was sumi and Andy who was in the car. They were shocked to see both of them romancing publically. They both came out and andy opens the back door for someone. A girl in her early twenties steps down from the car clenching her bag tightly. Her face was so pale because of continuous crying. 

''Mahir bela meet MAYA.....your dad's niece''

To be continued...

To be continued

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