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''Hey Ruhi, how was your day'' she was surprised to see mahir in the room when she entered.
''It was great mahir. Why are you here'' she asks
''I just want to clear a few things to you ruhi'' he said with a serious expression.
''What is it mahir'' she become a little nervous.
''It's just that....ruhi I don't think we can continue our relationship anymore.'' He says and Ruhi's face fell like all those crooked blood was drained out of her body.
''What do you mean mahir. Did I do anything wrong'' tears forms in her eyes
'' it's not me or you who did the mistake but it's Kushal. He is madly in love with you. And I don't want to hurt my little brother. Moreover, I am married to bela, Ruhi. We need to understand that.'' He said with some fake tears. ''No you cannot mahir....we cannot Breakup. I love you'' she says crying badly
''We have to Ruhi.....I am sorry'' he says wiping his tears. Then he was about to go but she pushes him and asks 

''You cannot leave me like this mahir. You cannot. I only have you in this world. You know about my past and all but still why are you leaving me and going. I did a lot of things to keep you in my life mahir. I changed myself, I controlled my anger, I tried to reduce my crying habit and all. I love you so much mahir. I even hurt my sister and Kushal. And at last, are you leaving me in the middle of nowhere. How dare you'' Ruhi yells

''No ruhi you didn't hurt your sister or Kushal'' he said showing concern
''No, I did. I hurt them for you mahir. I ignored bela so that she would hate you for taking me away from her. I acted friendly with khushal just to gain your attention. But are going away from me....everyone is'' she cries. But suddenly a slap lands on her face. It was mahir. She looks at him with all the anger and tears.

''How could you Ruhi. If you have believed in me then this wouldn't have happened. It's not me bela or Kushal who is hurt here. It's you. Only you. You lost your sister and boyfriend because of your greediness. Still, I wouldn't have broken up with you if you have not hurt Kushal. You did a great mistake ruhi and you have to pay for it.'' He shouts and leaves the room.
Bela and Kushal who was hearing all these feel sad for him.

To be continued...

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