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At midnight...

Mahir opens the main door and closes it without making any noise. After making sure all are in deep sleep, he went to the kitchen and took some curd and pickle from it. He then goes to the terrace and saw someone standing there. He walks towards the person and keeps a hand on the shoulder. The person turns and it was none other than Ruhi. ''Ruhi...why are you here at this now.''  He asks

''Actually, I came here to dispose of my old clothes. Mom said to keep it in the room near the terrace. So while going back I just came here.'' Saying this she turns to leave. But Mahir holds her saree pallu to stop her. ''Ruhi I am so sorry. I didn't know that it was your clothes. I thought it bela's. I just wanted to make her suffer and I am sorry for even making your sister suffer'' he said

''I don't care anymore about her because she is no more my sister. But what hurt me the most is that a few of the clothes that you burned was gifted to me by you. I kept it separately arranged as it was gifted by you. But you didn't even understand that and burned them. Including my license and passport which was the most important things among them.'' She said sniffing.

''Babes I am sorry... I'll arrange all the dresses for you okay. I'll do the arrangement in a shop. You can go shopping tomorrow.''  Mahir says

''Mahir are you kidding me. What's the matter with you. Still, you are making the distance between us. Look you are still holding my saree pallu rather than holding my hand. You are thinking about doing an arrangement in the shop than coming with me. You never even hugged me properly in these years. I think you don't love me anymore. I hate you, Mahir...I hate you'' she said crying and ran from there. 

Mahir in anger broke the food plate in his hand and went behind her only to see Kushal and Ruhi hugging each other and he kissing her forehead.  Tears filled in his eyes seeing them. He rushes towards his room and locks the door from inside.

''Mahir you came... all were so worried about. Where were you''
She asks concerned, maintaining a good distance away from him. But seeing her in a red satin nightdress Mahir stares at her lustfully.
Sensing something is wrong she turns to go. But Mahir holds her hands tightly and pulls her closer. She struggles to get out of his grip but he being strong pinned her to the wall and bends her hands to the back. Then he holds her jaw harshly and smashes his lips with her. Bela gets shocked by his move. She was confused that should she respond or push him. But when he started to roam his hands around her body inside her top, she felt a ticklish effect on her. She feels so helpless yet the feeling is beautiful that she stood numb letting him do whatever he wants. After a few minutes, their trance broke when he came back to reality and release her. She stood silently and a few buttons of her dress were open. Mahir curses and slaps himself for his stupidity. He again holds her and continuously murmurs sorry. His eyes got misty. He helps her adjust her dress and make her lay on the bed. ''I am sorry...I don't know what gotten into me. I won't hurt you or touch you. Chii....I....and sorry...I am sorry...'' he said and lay down on the floor not wanting to bother her.

Bela felt a different emotion seeing him like this. She wanted to tell him its okay but couldn't. At last, after a huge battle with her mind and heart, she covered him with a blanket and slept.


To be continued...

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