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''What do you mean Kushal. What happened,'' she asks wiping his tears. But it continued to flow

''Ruhi was playing with me all these days for mahir. She was using me as a pawn to get him back,'' he said crying
''I don't understand Kushal'' she said
''The day we both went shopping, we talk with each other and became friendly. Later at night she came running to the room hug me tightly and started to weep. I wiped her tears and asked her why. She told me about some fight that happened with him and said she hates him and is going to break up with him. But I consoled her saying it's okay a d kissed her forehead. Since that day she so good to me. She always crakes
jokes, laughs and me like an idiot thought that she loves me and started to fall in love with her. But yesterday night she slept in the guestroom. But when she came to our room, I hugged her and was about to kiss her but she pushed me back.

'' What happened Ruhi. I am sorry if you didn't like this. But I wanna tell you something that I love you Ruhi and I wanna give our relationship a chance. And I know you like me too'' he said

''Are your serious Kushal. Don't forget that I am your brother's girlfriend. Moreover, who is gonna love a dumbo like you.'' She says and goes. But he pulls her back and asks

''What do you mean...huh...''

''Did you thought that I am in love with you. If yes then lemme clear that I don't love you. I was just using you so that mahir will come back to me. But your useless friend made him go to her and I had to mend the issues between us. But anyway thanks for your help. And please ask the servants to keep my dresses in the other room. '' she said smirking but was rewarded with a slap.

''How dare you...huh..... I can't believe that u was being betrayed these many days. I loved you truly Ruhi. With all my heart. But you just crushed it with your heels. You are going to suffer for this. You will never get mahir ever in your life. Never.'' He completed and again slapped her. She eyes him with all the anger and left for the office


''I am so sorry Kushal. It's all because of me.'' She cries

''No bela it's not your fault. It's our fault. We shouldn't have given them our hearts. We shouldn't have felt married in the first place. It's all our mistake'' he says and kisses her forehead.

''But we have to tell about Ruhi to mahir. Mahir will never forgive her for what she did with his brother '' she says

To be continued...

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