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The next day morning....bela enter Maya's room with tea only to see Kushal and Maya together on the bed. Bela got shocked and pat Maya's shoulder to wake her up. But Maya snuggles close to him and he possessively holds her tighter.
Suddenly Bela hears some footstep nearing the room. So she immediately pushes Kaushal down the bed and Maya wakes up screaming. When Sumitra entered she was shocked to see Kushal lying on the floor.
''What happened kids. And Kushal what is you doing on the floor.''
Sumitra yells.
''Mom.....I am...doing pushups. You know ...  it's good.... for health. '' he said stammering and does pushup.
''Can I know why are you doing pushups in Maya's room.'' She asks in a murderous tone. Kushal  thinks for a minute and replies
''Ohhh...mom..actually the thing is cockroach saw a Maya and got scared. So I was searching where did it to go along with doing  pushups.'' He said smiling widely.

''What cockroach got scared seeing me. I am not that bad looking okay. Aunty me and Kushal slept together in my room. So morning when bela came with the tea she pushed Kushal down I don't know why. He is lying, aunty. No cockroach got scared seeing me. Liar.'' She said innocently glaring at bela and Kushal for lying.

''What!!!!...you both slept together. You mean....kuhshal you have a wife...how can you cheat on her. I am so ashamed....'' Andy starts his drama by entering the room.

''Dad..dad..dad....put a full stop. What she means is that they both slept together...ahh...I mean they both accidentally fallen asleep talking to each other. That's what she means....'' she clarifies

''Guys shut up. Why don't you lemme sleep? Yesterday this bela didn't allow me to sleep and now you guys. What is the matter with you.''  Mahir yells rubbing his eyes. 
''Woooh....looks like someone didn't let someone sleep at night huh. Oooooh''  everyone teases bela. ''Mahiirr...'' bela glared.  ''What'' he said and thinks what he said.

''What are you talking about...I don't understand'' Maya said like whining like a child
''Nothing child. Children go to your rooms. You have to go to work right. '' andy said and all leave to their room.  ''Kushal don't repeat what you did today okay.''
Sumitra warns.

In Behir's room.

''Oyyy...when did I didn't let you sleep. Huh..'' bela asks holding his hands. 
''Aren't you the one who made me sleep on the floor. '' mahir says
''Mr Sehgal there is a mistake. I made you sleep on the floor because you tried to kiss me in sleep.'' Bela said
''I don't think that I need someone's permission to kiss my hot sexy smoking bff wifey.'' He said with a smirk playing on his lips. ''Ohhh..really'' bela said and without wasting a minute mahir smashes his lips with her and picks her in his arms. Then the writer leaves the room and starts her journey to Kyushu's as she can't take it anymore. She is too innocent for it. You know.

''What the hell was that Kushal. You slept with her yesterday night'' Ruhi yelled
''Does that even matter to you'' he shoot back
''Obviously, it matters as you are my husband. ''
''Huh...OMG, I did know that. Are you ruhi or someone else?'' Kushal said making a terror expression.
''Kushal, please. I wanna.....give our relationship a chance. Look I did a big mistake by playing with you. But then I was blind. But now...I understand my mistake and...I wanna give a chance.....'' she couldn't complete as a tight slap lands on her face. 
''KUSHAL'' she yells. ''Enough ruhi enough...I am not gonna let you ditch me again. Get out. This is not your room. And one more thing.....I need DIVORCE''

To be continued...

To be continued

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