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The next day morning mahir turned in his sleep only to fall on his butt. Hearing his scream Bela also stirs in her sleep. Mahir groans in pain and opens his eyes rubbing his butt only to get the biggest shock of his life. He inside his car is completely naked with a naked woman who is none other than Bela. Mahir rubs his eyes twice but looks like it is not working. ''Ohhh gosh'' he shouts and lays back. ''Shut the fuck up.... lemme me sleep.'' He hears Bela curse in her sleep. Mahir suddenly pulls her down. She screams and wakes up rubbing her eyes.  But seeing mahir she burst into blushes badly. ''Why are you blushing'' he asked doubtfully.
''Because we did few things yesterday night.'' She says and giggles
''Seriously Bela you remember all that'' he asked shocked.
''Yes because  I'm used to drinking. But it was your first time right. Well you need to improve your drinking habits mahir otherwise in future you will be waking up with some other women in the morning'' she said smirking.
''Ohhh....really. I won't mind that soo....'' now it was his turn to smirk
''Ill murder you okay'' she said and smack him. In return, he tickles her and both ending up making out again.

After an hour both reach home and got trapped in front of an angry Sumi. But they said some silly willy excuses and enters their room but suddenly somebody pulls mahir into another room and asks '' what's the matter mahir. Why are you ignoring me as this'' Ruhi asked with glowing eyes?
''It's up to me whether to ignore you or not. So I don't think I have to give any reasons to anyone.''  He said arrogantly. But Ruhi cups his face and said ''you have to because is I am your girlfriend. We love each other or did you just forget that when my sister warms your bed.''  She said
''Ruhi enough '' he said showing his arms angrily. ''You had to think all these before going with my brother. And we didn't have any physical relationship'' he lies.

''If you had to I don't care because it's all my fault. It hurt me when you burned all my clothes. As a punishment, I planned to ignore you for a few days. When Kushal took me shopping we both became good friends. So when I felt so sad with your behaviour Kushal just hugged me and consoled me as a friend. Nothing more between us mahir. I don't love him mahir. You are my everything. I love you. Please don't do this to me. You are mine, not bela's. And I'll never let you be hers. You cannot leave me. ''
She said and breaks down on the floor. Seeing her crying badly mahir eyes also filled with tears. He holds her by her shoulder and makes her stand. ''Look I am yours. Was and will always be. I just....was with Bela to make you jealous. Nothing more between us. Don't cry Ruhi, please. It hurts me. Please. Now be a good girl and go. Let me change my dress.'' He says and goes to his room. Bela was in the bathroom so he sits on the bed and thinks ''what is wrong with you mahir. You are cheating two girls at a time. You cheated Ruhi because of a misunderstanding. You used Bela for your pleasures. But she likes you. You are playing with two women's emotions at the same time. What are you doing mahir? I have to do something. I need to get Bela out of my life. I need to make her hate me or else next time I will end up doing something more. I have to be loyal to Ruhi as I love her. Yes, it's the right thing to do. Make Bela hate me. '' he said and a tear  fall from his eye

To be continued...

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