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''Here you go'' he said and handed her the coffee.
''Thanks,'' she mumbled.
''What happened'' he asked
''Nothing...'' saying she moved towards the window.
''Look...if you tell me only I can help you. Even if I am a police officer I won't arrest you. Trust me IPS Khalid is different from  others.'' He said proudly to which ruhi chuckled and told him her long and nasty story.
After hearing he just simply said ''you are a badass.'' She smacks his chest and said ''see you are judging me. I know I am a...''

''Bad girl who ruined her sister's life'' he completed
''This is what I have been hearing for the past one hour. Put a pause to it lady badass and listen. Just go and apologize to him. Be confident. Maybe he will lash at you or give you a teeny weeny slap. But you deserve that. so no offence. Ruhi...tell him the truth behind all. Don't lie. I am sure that after hearing you he will make the right decision.'' He enlightened her.
''You sure'' she asked
''Sure than not so sure.''

In Sehgal mansion.
Ruhi knocks on the door twice and waits for him to open it. After a few seconds, he opens the door.
''Now what the hell do you want'' he asked crossing his arms. She gently pushes him inside and closes the door. He stood still with a question mark.
''I wanna tell you something that...I have been an idiot, a fool, a badass..yeah that's the correct word.'' She said and waited for him to say something.
''Done. Is this what you wanna tell me,'' he asked
''Noooo... it's that I am sorry for ruining your life. Mahir, I love you but not more than how much bela love you. Mmm...I hope so. Mm..soo the thing is I am..the one behind all these issues. I am the one who asked Bela to talk to you about divorce. I promised her that if you love her then you would fight for her and will never let her go. But my assumptions went wrong. It's me who is guilty here. Neither bela nor you. I really love you mahir and I want you in my life. You know about my whole life.  I was always been so bad at finding love. But you are the only right decision that I took in my life. So I didn't want to lose you. But the truth is I already......okay that's enough. I can't apologize anymore if you wanna slap me you can.'' She said and closed her eyes in fear.

''Did you really believe that I was gonna divorce her. I just said that to punish her. Moreover, why should I divorce her when she is pregnant with my baby...huh..''
He said and took his blazer but was rewarded with a spank.
''Oouuchh..did you just spank me''

''Yes I did...this is your punishment for making bela cry. For punishing her and moreover making me struggle this much by making a whole speech of how to apologize to you. You bloody duffer. Never dare to hurt my sister anymore or else I will make you count crows in jail.  Got that''  she yelled at him

''So what about me. I am the one who suffered the most. I will be the first person in this whole world who got a divorce as an answer to the proposal.''  He argued

''Who cares about a duffer like you...huh. Now go to bela and apologize to her or else get ready to count crows.'' 

''Fine fine...I am going...irritating sisters.'' He said

To be continued...

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