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''Bela I told you that I am done with you. Then why are you calling me continuously....stop this nonsense....''

''Mr calm down. This is not bela. I am Khalid. Bela is admitted to ABC hospital.  Please co.'' 
Without hearing a word more mahir cut the phone. ''Damn man first he was yelling at his so-called Bela and dare he disrespect IPS Khalid.'' He murmured to himself and reach in front of the ICU. When the doctor stepped out he asked. '' doctor how is she.'' 

''Sir her situation is neither critical nor so good. She is weak.  She was not taking enough food that she is supposed to have in this condition. And this accident becomes a cherry on the top. ''  the doctor said sarcastically.

''Doctore, first of all, stop being sarcastic. This is the matter of life and secondly...'' the doctor cut him off and said.

''Chill Khalid sir. When doctor Yuvraj is here you don't have to worry. And it's a matter of two lives The lady is one month pregnant. '' saying he left for his cabin doing some dance moves and winking at a nurse. Imran facepalms himself and turns to see a man running pushing whoever coming in his way. But khalif pulls him by his collar and said

''Look Mr This is a hospital. Here everyone is in a hurry like you. So stop running and pushing around okay. There are 100's of doctors here to treat you.''

''Look Mr Who the hell are you to stop me, I am the number one lawyer of this city, Mr Mahir Sehgal. I know what is right and  wrong.''  Mahir yelled and Khalid just shrugged his shoulder and left his collar. Mahir looking here and there  said
''Now where the hell am I going to find this f**king Khalid.'' Khalid heard this and said '' the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I am IPS Khalid Ibrahim. Your wife is admitted there.'' He said and offered his hand for a shaking hand. But mahir give him a wide smile and said namaste folding his hands. Then he rushes towards the ICU and looks at her with teary eyes.
''Mr Mahir you should have taken care of your wife in this condition. Her and baby's life is in danger right now.'' Mahir's eyes widen hearing baby. A few more tears escaped his eyes. From somewhere he got the strength to ask ''what...happened, sir''
Khalid giving a sad smile said ''some street goons tried to attack her. She ran to escape from them but unfortunately, a car hit her. Maybe because of fear they left her like that and drove away. Some pedestrians saw here lying on the road and immediately informed us. The investigation is going on Mr Mahir she is gonna be alright. But you are here...'' he asks

''That is my wife and child.'' Saying he sits on the chair burying his face in his hands.  

To be continued...

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