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''Hey,  bela...how about we go for dinner outside,'' Mahir asked scrolling his phone.
''Sure mahir....'' she said ''I wanna tell you something'' both said in unison. Both stare at each other for a few seconds and said together ''at dinner'' both giggles and went to get ready.

After some time both reach the restaurant

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After some time both reach the restaurant.

It was arranged so beautifully that bela couldn't stop herself from saying ''WOW''

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It was arranged so beautifully that bela couldn't stop herself from saying ''WOW''.
''So you like it'' mahir asked
''Nooo...I love it. It's so simple and beautiful.'' She squealed.
''Ohhh...just like you'' he said and pulls a chair for her. Then he makes her sit and himself sit opposite to her. Then they ordered their food. Later it came and both were having when both burst their surprise.

''Bela I love you'' ''mahir let's get divorce'' both said and the people around them start clapping for this. They were asked to clap when the couples at this table confess. But it happened at the wrong time. Mahir glared at them to stop clapping and
''I love you too''  ''let's get divorced'' again both said in unison.

''Wait are you kidding me mahir'' bela asks
''That what I wanna ask you. Are you kidding me? First, you ask for divorce but when I said I love you. You just suddenly changed the plate. Do you think this is funny?'' Mahir yells and leaves wiping his hands with a tissue. Bela tells sorry to everyone and puts some cash on the table. Mahir was about to open the door but bela holds his hand and says ''please listen to me.''
''Okay fine..I'll listen to you. But if you are gonna tell me...Ohh mahir I didn't know that you love me...
then please leave me alone. I don't wanna hear any of you bloody apologies.''  Mahir shouted
''Ohhh...do you think I am gonna apologize to you. then kick that dreams from your head now itself. I am just gonna say some facts. See mahir I love you a lot. But I asked for a divorce because I thought that you still consider me as your BFF.'' Bela said
''So what about our kisses and hugs'' mahir asked pulling her closer. Anger was visible in his eyes.
''Mahir that's not enough for me to think that you love me. What if you were doing all those because of ......''
Bela couldn't complete it as she didn't know what to say next. A lone tear escaped her eyes.
''Are you serious bela. We did that with each other's consent. I didn't force you. Neither of us did. Look into my eyes and tell. Didn't you felt anything special at that moment'' mahir asked and released her.
''Mahir I loves you and I felt all those special'' bela said
''Then why a divorce'' mahir shouted again.
''Mahir that......'' 
''Enough bela...enough with your drama. I am done with you. Just get lost and never dare to show your face to me.'' Mahir said and leave but came back again and to gift her a small slap in her face.

''How can she do this to me. Who the hell does she think she is. I am also a man with emotions and feelings. If she wants to clarify my feeling then she should have asked. How can she directly ask for a divorce when she loves me. No, she doesn't.....she don't love me...I hate you, bela Sharma...I hate you a lot.'' He said to himself and increased the speed of the car.

To be continued...

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