A Usual Day

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"This will be all for today. Remember to hand in your essay next week," the teacher reminds the students while closing the notebook that is resting on the table in front of her.

Before she even leaves the classroom, the students start to talk to each other simultaneously breaking the silence of the once peaceful room. Among the noises, a boy with dirty blond hair silently puts away his notebook and pencil case into his backpack before leaving the room.

Right before he can even reach his locker, someone places his hand on his shoulder. "You're always so fast to leave. We had to run to catch up!"

He turns around as his beautiful hazel eyes met his friend. "If I don't hurry, I'll be late for work."

"It's today?" the tall and slightly muscular black-haired boy named Enrico asks in surprise. "But it's your birthday soon and we thought that we could talk about it after school."

"It's in a few days. It can wait," the blond teenager answers dismissively while unlocking his locker before taking the books and documents he needs. He has other things to think about right now.

"Malak, listen to me. You only turn eighteen once in your life! Don't you think it is the perfect opportunity to celebrate?" his friend scolds while closing the locker's door to get his attention. "Everyone is waiting in the cafeteria."

Malak sighs before placing his backpack on the floor. He has a feeling that he will get dragged into something crazy if he accepts. But he can't since he has already accepted to replace someone that called in sick at his job.

"Surprise me," he finally answers with a smile while swinging his backpack on his shoulder.

Malak knows that Enrico is not happy about it, but he doesn't say anything else and just nods in defeat.

"I have to leave now. I'll see you guys tomorrow," Malak says in a rush after checking the time on his phone.

Enrico only waves at his friends and watches him walk away at a fast pace. When he couldn't see his comrade anymore, he smiles in mischief before hurrying back to join his friends.

Forty-five minutes later, Malak arrives at his workplace. Being late, he quickly changes into his work uniform before putting everything in his locker. He locks it and quickly heads to check in with the manager.

"Hello, Isabel," Malak greets with a smile as she replicates before looking at the time on her watch. "I'm late. I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry. I was the one calling you at the last minute," she answers warmly before writing the time down. "You'll be at the cash today."

The boy nods before going to the cash to replace his colleague that is at the end of his shift. He patiently for him to log out before inserting his username into the system. Quickly adapting to the pace, Malak is not comfortably greeting and serving customers one after the other before giving the orders to the barista. Because of the weather warming up quickly, most of the clients are requesting cold drinks.

A few hours later, when the shop is about to close for the day, another wave of customers come in. After having a long day at school and a busy service at work, Malak swallowed his frustration. With a forced smile, he greets them politely before asking what they would like.

"Welcome to StarCups. How may I help you?"

"Well, you don't recognize your best friends anymore?" a girl with bright fire hair asks teasingly while leaning her arm on the counter next to the cash.

"Kayla!" Malak exclaims surprisedly by her arrival. "Sorry, I just want the day to end," he whispers in fear that his manager would hear their conversation.

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