Chapter One

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Parking her car, Tessa slides out, standing face to face with a closed gate. Off to the side, a man walks out of a small office building, intriguing Tessa with his plastic hands. She's seen a lot in her life, but a man with only his index fingers was not on that list. 

"Can I help you?" He asks, slightly nervous of the woman standing before him. 

Standing in front of her Range Rover, with her business attire, Tessa looks intimidating. Her head held high, honey brown eyes narrowing down at the man as he can't help but stare at the tattoo's that are visible. Especially the one poking out of her collared shirt. 

"I'm looking for Angel Reyes." She says, tilting her head to the side. 

Nodding his head, "I'm Chucky. I'll go open up the gate." He introduces himself, surprised when Tessa extends her hand.

"Tessa." She shakes it, turning and heading back into her car as Chucky rushes back inside to open the gate. 

If she's looking for Angel, she must be important. Not a lot of people come looking for him, but it's usually his familia. She did have his intimidating aura. With the gate open, Tessa drives through and parks shy of the clubhouse. Assuming Chucky already alerted Angel, she steps out.

As her heels hit the ground, she turns her head to take in the place. Bikes parked off to the side catch her attention, especially a beautiful dark green 2017 Harley Davidson Breakout. She walks over to it, taking in the detail and gorgeous design of the machine, smirking at how fat the back wheel is. 

Before Tessa can look around more, the front doors swing wide open, a beaming Angel rushing out. "Tessa!" He strides over to her, embracing her in a hug and spinning her around. Tessa laughs, steadying herself as he puts her back down. 

As Angel looks down at his little sister, he'd always imagined how he'd see her again. Angry that she left so suddenly, never called or reached out and suddenly here she is, and all he can do is smile and cherish that she's here. 

He guides her inside, sitting her down at the bar. The rest of the guys are at Temple, leaving Angel to talk to his sister. "What are you doing here Tess?" 

Taking a swig of beer, Tessa turns to look at him. "I'm back home for a while. Hopefully permanently." She partially tells him the truth, he can't know the real reason she was called back to Santo Padre. Though he'll know soon enough.

He nods his head, not quite believing her. "Where's our baby brother?" She asks him, knowing Ezekiel hates being the youngest. Angel looks down. He thought she knew where EZ was, but apparently not and now he has to be the one to tell her. 

"Just got out so he's visiting Pop. He'll be here soon." He flinches under her hardening stare. Since when has she become so intimidating. 

"Just got out of where?" She lowers her voice. When she left, EZ had a bright future ahead of him, he was the Golden Boy of the familia, leaving Tess and Angel behind as the house was decorated in his achievements. He was supposed to get out of Santo Padre.

Angel remembers how explosive she gets when she angry, and judging by her reaction now, she's gotten worse. "Stockton." Behind him, the Temple doors open, the boys confused as to why Angel was cowering under this small girl. 

"What?!" She shouts, knowing his future is down the drain. "What the fuck happened Angel! You were supposed to get him out of this shithole." She growls, not yet aware of the audience. 

Behind them, Bishop frowns as the girl starts shouting at Angel, surprised when Angel arks up and she doesn't back down. Angel towers over the girl, and there she stands, in his face. "Who is that?" He asks no one in particular.

"No idea." Coco answers, watching as Angel hangs his head.

Bishop tilts his head as he watches the interaction between Angel and the smaller girl. His eyes rake her body, taking in her appealing clothes that show off her slender figure in a professional manner. Her dark hair framing her face as it curls around her head, her brown complexion that looks smooth and silky even from across the room. It holds a fleck of golden. 

The corner of his lips turn up as he realises who she is. The famous Reyes sister he has heard so much about. He can finally put a face to the stories, and a naturally stunning face at that. He wants to know more about her, find out why she left Santo Padre and feel how her small frame would mould into his. 

"Let me get this straight," Tessa calms, her tone of voice level as she leans against the bar. "Our golden boy little brother, who wanted nothing to do with the shit we used to get up to, shot a fucking cop." She goes silent, looking at Angel who holds her stare. "Jesús jodido Cristo!"

Jesus fucking Christ

Tessa slumps onto the chair, rubbing her hand against her head. She never expected this news today. Though it made sense, she was always able to know where Angel was and what he was doing, but it was like EZ dropped off the face of the earth. She empties her beer bottle, placing it down on the table as she inhales deeply. She didn't mean to lose her temper at Angel, but he promised her he'd make sure EZ left before she disappeared. 

He didn't understand why she was making him promise that, thinking she was still going to be around. It made sense when Pop told them she was gone, though, at the same time, Angel couldn't wrap his head around Tessa leaving. She always told him everything, they held no secrets between each other as they were so close and Tessa being his shadow. Wherever he went, she was right there. 

"Come here." Angel stands up, pulling Tessa into his arms. He forgot how much smaller she always was, his entire frame almost wrapping around her. A movement to the side catches his eye, as he sees the boys standing at the doorway to Temple, unsure if they should intrude on the Reye's siblings. 

Pulling away, he gestures toward Tessa. "This is my little sister Tessa. Tessa, this is my club." He introduces everyone. 

As Tessa shakes Bishop's hand, goosebumps explode along her spine from the look he gives her. Her eyes intentionally take him all in, making sure he knows she's checking him out. She wonders what that moustache would feel like against her lips, though she quickly shuts those thoughts out. She can't help but keep staring into his brown orbs, until her phone rings. 

Tessa frowns looking at Miguel's name pop up on the screen. 

"Excuse me," she says politely, moving towards the front doors. "Thought I start next week Miguel." She muses, leaning against her car as she sees Angel talking to Coco. 

"Tess, I need your help." She can hear the strain in his voice, as though he wants to break down. Standing upright, Tessa catches Bishop's attention as her smile falls off her face and she becomes serious. 

"I'll be there in a second." She hangs up, her body suddenly consuming with rage. How dare someone take her Godson. She curses, catching everyone's attention. Quickly she marches inside the clubhouse, standing in front of Angel. "I have to go Angel. Some Bastardo took my Godson."  


Her voice is laced with venom, Angel taken aback by his sister's angry demeanour. He's never seen her this riled up. He nods his head, watching as she rushes back to her car and drives out at a fast speed. "When was the last time you saw her?" Bishop asks, seeing as Angel has never mentioned her. 

"I don't know, time is fucking time," Angel growls, knowing it's been at least ten years. 

Tessa pulls up in front of Miguel's house, Emily running out as tears stream down her face. She engulfs Emily, holding onto her as she trembles. Tessa's always known Emily, seeing as she dated her younger brother. She was surprised to see Emily with Miguel, but just assumed they went separate ways. 

Miguel stands at the front door, his jaw clenching as he meets Tessa's hardened eyes. He nods his head, knowing if anyone can find his son, it's his Godmother. 

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