Chapter Eight

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Sitting in the hospital waiting room, Tessa feels dirty from last night. She was never able to go home and change, seeing as Bishop kept her longer than she said she would be. At the thought of his name, a genuine smile spreads across Tessa, showing her one dimple. In the past couple of days, she had been thinking about her argument with him, and more importantly, how he kissed her before he left.

It was dominating, his eyes dark with anger and want. As much as it bruised her lips, and left Miguel very confused but determined to know who did it, Tessa wants to see that side of Bishop again. If he did that only with his lips, she can only imagine what he's like in bed.

Tessa chuckles, maybe she should just sleep with him, might be better for everyone to just get it out of their system. But she wants Bishop to beg for it, tease him to the point where she leaves him no choice.

"And what has you so happy on this... morning Tess?" Miguel asks, catching Devante's attention.

Tessa grins at the two men, "You don't want to know Mickey. Not sure your little brain could handle it." Miguel quirks a brow.

He turns to Devante, who nods in understanding and leaves the two. Tessa's eyes follow Devante in confusion, tilting her head at Miguel.

"Last night," He begins.

"Handled." Tessa becomes serious, knowing this talk is about business. Miguel nods his head.

"I want you with Emily from now on. The Mayans can handle their own shit, I need you protecting my family."

"Any word on Cristobal?" Tessa asks, seeing how exhausted Miguel is, worrying all night about his wife and child.

Miguel shakes his head, taking in Tessa's dark clothes still covered in dirt. He sends her home, telling her he'll call once Emily is released. Tessa smiles thankfully, squeezing her friend's shoulder before she leaves the dreadful hospital.

As Tessa stands underneath the hot shower, her curly hair now straight and plastered across her face, Tessa's mind wanders off to the past few years. It became incredibly easy to get the jobs done once she learnt to live with herself.

In the beginning, Tessa couldn't sleep. To shut her eyes was to look back at their helpless faces before she did as Miguel asked. When she met Mattea, it became easier. Mattea helped her to heal on the inside after every shot, thus how she met Marcus.

Somehow, Tessa could never lie to Marcus, he always seemed to know when she tried. Someday, she wants a relationship like Marcus and Mattea's. Loving, loyal and just damn right gorgeous to look at.

Hearing her phone ping as it receives a message, Tessa is drawn back into reality. Turning the shower off and wrapping her body in a warm towel, she heads into her room to check the notification.

As Tessa enters the Mayans clubhouse, her body tingles with nerves, curious to know what EZ wants to talk about. As soon as she read his message, she rushed over, desperate to be able to talk to her little brother again.

"Ezekiel." She catches his attention.

Hearing his name, EZ stands up from behind the bar, carrying two beers. He smiles softly, taking a seat on the other side as Tessa follows. "Hey, Tess,"

"What's going on?" She asks, glancing around the room to find it empty. She notices the Temple door shut, indicating the boys are inside.

"Why didn't you try to contact me?"

Tessa stares at EZ, swallowing. "I didn't know you were inside. I tried to keep tabs on you and Angel, but it was like you disappeared. I only found out from Angel when I got back." She explains, seeing EZ's eyes soften.

"I was there you know, at Mums funeral." EZ looks at her in shock, he doesn't remember seeing her. "I couldn't let you all see me, but I was there."

EZ laughs softly, realising his sister never really left him or Angel. Though she wasn't physically with them, she made sure to know what was going on. Besides EZ's prison sentence.

"So what have you been doing for the past decade?" EZ asks, gulping down his beer.

"More like what haven't I been doing." Tessa chuckles, before sobering up and looking serious. "Ezekiel, working for Galindo made me doing things, no one should have to do. Put in situations I don't ever want you or Angel in."

She doesn't want to tell him what she's done. The killings, eliminating anyone Galindo desires. Tessa isn't the same girl she was ten years ago, more confident in herself, strong-willed and determined. She has yet to let Galindo down.

EZ leans toward Tessa, lowering his voice. "How many people have you killed Tess?"

Tessa swallows her beer, silently staring at her little brother. "Too many to remember." EZ rubs his face as he sits straight, comprehending his sister's words.

To be taking that many lives, you have to be a killer. A skilled, emotionless killer. As EZ breathes in deeply, he wonders how Tessa manages to get on with her life without the past haunting her. That night is reflected in many things he does nowadays. He sees that cops face, blood pooling around him.

"It's either them or you. You don't have time to question anything, dwell on the past. I have a job to do, one I take very seriously and I do it right." She answers EZ. "At the start it was hard. I couldn't shut my eyes without seeing their fucking faces staring back at me, but I had someone to help me through it. Without her, I'd still be seeing them."

EZ nods his head in understanding, taking a drink alongside Tessa. As she puts the beer down, her pocket vibrates. Glancing at her phone, she sees Miguel telling her Emily is ready to come home and to meet them at the hospital. EZ can gather its Miguel from her body language.

Tessa empties her beer, sliding it onto the table and standing up. "I'm protecting Emily now, Miguel needs me watching her whilst he finds Cristobal." She explains the EZ, who only engulfs her in a hug.

Opening the Temple doors, Bishop sees Tessa step through the threshold of the front door, exiting the clubhouse. He looks to EZ, then makes his way out onto the porch.

As Tessa makes her way to her car, she feels a set of eyes on her. Opening the car door, she looks back at the clubhouse to see Bishop standing there. He smiles, the corners of his lips turned up as he looks happy to see her, disappointed she's leaving once he's out of Templo. He hasn't had a chance to talk to her.

Tessa grins, sending Bishop a wink as she slides into the Range Rover, and reversing out of the scrapyard. He chuckles to himself, shaking his head as he turns back into the clubhouse. Everyone can already see he's in a happier mood.

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