Chapter Fourteen

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Bishop finds Tessa sitting on a lounge, downing her drink. She looks lost in her thoughts, tapping her finger against the table, unaware of Bishop's presence. He slides into the seat next to her, putting his hand over hers. Tessa glances at him, the two saying nothing as they gaze into each other's eyes.

"What did Potter want with you?" Bishop finally asks.

Tessa exhales. "Murder. Miguel had me leave bodies for their people to find, not thinking that the FED's would also see them. He had no proof it was me though, just tried to threaten you and my family." Bishop frowns, trying to think of how Potter could threaten them, and why him.

"And I only found out about Adelita before you walked through the door." She adds, knowing he was going to ask about it next.

Bishop shakes his head, not really concerned with anything but her. He wraps an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close as he kisses the side of her head. Before anything else can be said, Taza, Hank and Riz sit on the other side of the lounge, girls sitting on their laps.

"Gentlemen." Tessa muses.

"Thank fuck your here Tess, he was going ballistic without you." Hank gestures to Bishop, who pulls Tessa onto his lap.

Tessa leans onto him, smirking. "Really?" She teases, feeling him grip her waist.

"How about you just shut the fuck up." Bishop threatens.

Hank rolls his eyes playfully, looking down at the girl on his lap. Tessa rests her head on Bishop's shoulder, leaning into his neck as he kisses her head. She feels safe with both his arms wrapped securely around her, holding her to him.

Tessa smirks as an idea forms, shifting her slightly in his lap. At first, Bishop thinks she just getting comfortable until she keeps doing it. "Tessa," He grips her hips to keep her still, growling into her ear. "What are you doing."

At the tone of his husky voice, Tessa almost melts into him, thankful she's sitting down. The boys are preoccupied, allowing Tessa to tease Bishop even further.

"Just getting comfortable."

Bishop nips at her ear, knowing full well what she's doing. Tessa swallows, sliding off his lap, her back facing the boys but her legs still over his lap. His eyes darken as she palms him through his jeans, not caring about her surroundings.

"Tess," His voice is strained, grabbing her wrist. "Don't start something you can't finish."

Tessa's stomach flips, knowing she's got him right where she wants him. She leans forward, brushing her lips against his lobe as she whispers, "Who said I can't." Standing up, she turns her attention to the boys. "Drinks anyone?"

Bishop's lustful eyes follow her every move, debating whether he should teach her not to leave him hanging like that. Before Tessa can make it to the bar, she is scooped up. Bishop slings her over his shoulder and heads toward his room for the night, ignoring his boy's laughter.

Tessa bites her lip, feeling him stop to unlock a door. The second he locks the door, she's off his shoulder and against the wall. She whimpers against his hold, her body exploding with goosebumps as his breath fans onto her.

"Don't you ever do that again."

As he looks down at her, her eyes full of want and her body reacting against his, he crashes his lips onto hers, pushing her further into the wall. Tessa instantly responds, gripping onto his cut as he hungrily explores her mouth, releasing all his frustrations.

Tessa wants all of him, sliding his cut off his shoulders and beginning to work on the buttons of his shirt. Bishop pulls back for a moment, catching his breath before gripping her thighs and hoisting her around his waist. Moving off the wall, Bishop captures her lips again as he gently lowers her onto the bed, careful not to crush her.

She moans into the kiss, feeling his hands pull her shirt up from under her pants and nearly ripping the buttons out as he pulls it open. Tessa leans up, allowing Bishop to slide her shirt off and toss it somewhere, before moving to unclip her bra. The second it's off, his lips latch onto her nipples, Tessa arching her back in pleasure.

Tessa moans under his touch, whimpering as he leaves her nipples and travels down her stomach, planting soft kisses everywhere, teasing along the hem of her pants. Slowly he slides the zipper down, pulling her pants over her hips and off her legs.

Bishop glides her panties down, kissing the inside of her thigh. Tessa throws her head back, unable to stop the moans from slipping out. He's barely even touched her, and she's overwhelmed in pleasure from just his mouth. He glances up, locking eyes with her as he moves closer, his tongue sliding against her thigh.

The second she feels his mouth against her, Tessa arches her back. No man has ever gone down on her like this, as Bishop grips her thighs to keep her still. He can tell she's close to release, her erotic noises music to his ears. Before she can come undone, Bishop moves away.

Tessa pants, looking at Bishop in confusion as he doesn't let her finish. "Bishop-"

"Now you know how it feels." He moves to hover over her, smirking as she breathes heavily.

Before she can say anything, he leans down, swiping his tongue against hers as she wraps her arms around his neck. Feeling her naked body against his is enough for him to pull back, undoing his belt and sliding his jeans off.

Tessa clenches her jaw she watches him, desperate to feel him. Sliding between her legs, hovering over her as he looks into her eyes, he captures her lips as he enters her, swallowing her moan. Tessa rakes her nails down his back as he thrusts into her, groaning at the feeling of her around him.

"Fuck Tess,"

His thrusts are rough, having waited so long to finally have his way with her. He knows she has been teasing him, wanting him to just take her. He remembers the look in her eyes when he slammed his body against hers, after their argument. She loved his dominating side.

"Bishop!" Tessa's breathing becomes rapid, feeling her stomach flip as she is lost to the pleasure of Bishop. He leaves her mouth, trailing down her jaw and neck, leaving his mark everywhere. She can feel he's close, his thrusts becoming faster as she wraps her legs around him, pulling him even closer.

With the torture of his mouth and pleasure of him, she finds her release, moaning his name. Bishop bites down on her shoulder as he comes undone soon after her. He stays there for a moment, catching his breath as he gazes affectionately down at Tessa, who closes her eyes. This is was better than she imagined, way fucking better.

Pulling out, Bishop lays down next to her, pulling her into his arms. Her breathing is yet to calm down, as she relaxes into his hold. Feeling him softly kiss her shoulder, Tessa allows herself to close her eyes, finally able to have a decent sleep.

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