Chapter Eleven

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"Emily, I'm taking you home." Tessa shakes Emily awake, squatting down in front of her.

Emily shakes her head, blinking her eyes as she adjusts to the light. "No, no I can't leave them here." Her voice comes out groggy.

Tessa sighs, looking over to Devante who nods. She stands up, pulling Emily off the seat. "You're going home, no if's or buts about it." Tessa orders, her hand on Emily's back as she forcefully guides her toward the car.

Dita follows them, both women tired and sore from sleeping on a public bench. Devante sits in the passenger seat, leaving one of the cars for Miguel. This time the ride back is shorter, Tessa desperate to get home and shower.

Parking the car, she opens the door for Emily and Dita, following them into the house. She makes a beeline for the room Miguel has made for her, if Tessa ever needs to stay over. Standing under the shower, Tessa rests her forehead against the wall, feeling herself start to relax. She's had no sleep, watching over Miguel's family whilst he has disappeared without a word.

Minutes later Tessa steps out of the bathroom, cleansed but dressed in her previous clothes. Her phone ringing catches her attention, answering it as she makes her way outside.

"Hey," Tessa releases a breath she doesn't realise she was holding.

"Where were you last night amor?" Bishop asks, his voice calming her.


Tessa walks past Dita, who passes a cup of coffee. She nods her thanks, standing in front of the pool. "Miguel was supposed to get Cristobal back yesterday, but border security wouldn't let him back into the U.S. We only just left Calexico Border." She tells him, sitting down on one of the lounge chairs, soaking up the warm sunlight.

"Fuck." Bishop curses into the phone. That explains why they never heard from Galindo and her. "I did a bit of work on your car whilst I was waiting for you."

"You broke into my house and worked on my car?" Tessa laughs. "I didn't think you knew much besides riding a bike and leading your club." She teases.

"Yeah, I don't know why I decided to help you, not after how you left me in the morning," Bishop growls, Tessa unable to hold in her laughter.

She throws her head back, catching Emily's attention as she enters the living room. "How'd you go with that?"

Bishop scoffs on the other end, completely in love with hearing her contagious laughter. He had to go about his day, wearing her mark for everyone to see. Angel was not happy, Marcus giving him knowing looks. His boys soon learnt not to give him shit, but they saw that he secretly wore it with pride.

There's no point denying he wants Tessa, and Tessa wants him. No reason to keep it secret, she clearly makes him happy and gives him a reason to stay alive. Tessa provides Bishop with a different perspective.

As he talks to Tessa, he smirks at the idea forming in his head. If she wants to mark him, he'll do it back, but only so much better.

"I got to go amor, I'll see you later?" Bishop asks, not sure if he can go another day without seeing her.

"As soon as Mickey is home." She promises, her heart fluttering at his name for her.

Tessa ends the call, relaxing into the chair as she takes in the scenery before her. Emily comes and sits beside her, giving Tessa a look.

"And who has my dear Tessa swoon?"

Tessa bites her lip, grinning at Emily. "Bishop." Emily raises her brows, knowing he is the Presidente of the Mayans.

"Are you two together?" Emily asks, prying into Tessa's life to distract her from hers.

Tessa frowns, thinking for a moment. "Yeah, I think we are. But I'm not worried about figuring all that out, all I care about is just being around him." Tessa confides in Emily, saying the things she hasn't been able to unload on anyone.

"I can't lie to him, I don't want to. Bishop is so easy to talk to and he understands me, Em. He knows about ten years ago, and here he still is."

As Emily stares at Tessa, she can see her friend is falling for the Mayan Presidente. Tessa has been lighter since she came home, not as dark and haunted as Emily first knew her. She's a pleasure to be around.

For the rest of the evening, Tessa talks to Emily about the things girls usually talk about. Boys, sex and everything else. Once night blankets the sky, Tessa guides Emily inside for dinner, having not eaten in the past 24 hours. Emily can't stomach it, but she needs to eat. Her body is different from Tessa's, who is functioning fine with no sleep or food. She's accustomed to it.

The front door opens, Tessa immediately on her feet and ready to protect Galindo's family. Only, Miguel steps through with Cristobal in his arms. Tessa sighs a breath a relief, smiling uncontrollably as Emily embraces her son.

Tessa hugs Miguel, before sending him to have a shower and clean up. "You stink." She scrunches her nose, as Miguel rolls his eyes.

Emily sits on the floor, entertaining Cristobal as Miguel enters the room. Tessa prepares him a coffee, knowing how exhausted he must be. Miguel takes it thankfully, Tessa moving to Emily as she plans on heading home.

As Tessa kisses Emily's cheek and moves to Cristobal, the soft music and the lights cut off. Instantly Tessa stands up, Miguel instructing one of his men to check it out. Cristobal feels the tension in the room and begins to cry, men rushing back and forth as a threat may be here.

Miguel takes his son in his arms, calming him down as Tessa and Emily light up candles. It's been a few minutes, meaning the lights should be back on. "Miguel." Emily looks over to the front door as it swings on his hinges.

"Nestor," Miguel calls out. Nestor and some men move toward the door, guns ready. Miguel hands Cristobal over to Emily, giving Tessa a look, stay with her. Tessa nods, watching as Miguel follows Nestor out the door.

Footsteps and small noises echo around the house, Emily instinctively moving closer to Tessa, who draws her Glock from her waistband. Emily makes a move toward the front door, Tessa walking in front, her gun at the ready.

The second Tessa steps over the threshold, lights are on her and guns are aimed. "Put the gun down!"

"Shit." Tessa curses, placing her gun down and putting her hands behind her back.

Tessa looks back at Emily as she is spun around, an Agent cuffing her roughly. Emily looks on in shock, having just got her son back and now her husband and protector kneel before her, handcuffed. Miguel gives her a pained look, as she hugs Cristobal close.

Tessa is shoved next to Miguel, clenching her jaw as she looks at the DEA Agents walking around the property, and other officers of law enforcement.

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