Chapter Twenty One

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Staring at the roof, Tessa lightly plays with the hairs on Bishop's head. His breath fans her neck as he inhales her scent, completely content and asleep. The swelling around her face as gone down, her stomach wound no longer hurting her as she lays down. She tried to sleep, but her mind is running wild as she patiently waits for Marilyn to wake.

Usually, Tessa would force them conscious, but she wants to lay in her man's arms and assure him she's home and okay. She never wants to put him through that again. Nestor had caught her up on what happened, how Bishop lost control and broke down in Angel's arms.

She closes her eyes, knowing how broken he must have been to snap like that. It breaks her heart. Softly kissing his head, Tessa's body floods with joy and love for Bishop, words unable to fully describe the emotion she feels. Bishop is hers, through thick and thin she will never leave him or betray him.

If they parted, her life would dull and she would be sucked back into her old routine.

The bed vibrates as her burner phone rings, Miguel calling. "He's awake."

Tessa sighs, clenching her jaw instinctively. "I'll be there soon. How's Emily?" She asks, feeling Bishop stir as she stops playing with his hair.

"She's better, determined to not let it affect her, but I know it hurts her. She had to watch, from inside a fucking dog cage as they hurt you, she felt helpless." Miguel responds. He's been busy telling Emily she isn't having Tessa teach her to fight and shoot a gun. That's why she has Tessa.

"How are you feeling?" Miguel grimaces, trying to find the right words to say to her. He couldn't ask her how she is, after just being bound and left hanging for hours whilst her body was cut and hit.

Tessa isn't aware of Bishop's brown eyes fluttering awake, his head being buried into her neck hiding his face. "Like I got hit by a fucking truck." She chuckles, her chest reverberating. "I am okay Miguel," She lowers her voice, thinking Bishop is asleep. "You know this isn't my first rodeo."

Bishop tightens his grip around her, alerting Tessa he heard every word. He focuses on the rise and fall of Tessa's chest, distracting him from thinking about what else she has been put through. He knew from the way she was silent and continued to taunt Marilyn, that she's been in that situation before.

As long as he lives, Tessa will never have to be bound and tortured again.

Hearing Tessa end the call and put her phone down, Bishop sits up. He stares down at her with so much affection, feeling himself fall prey to her honey swirls. Tessa's body erupts in goosebumps from the look he gives her, making her stomach flutter as she leans up to capture his lips.

"I have to become the sadistic fucking murderer for a couple of hours. I don't want you to see it, but I need you there, and I know it will give you peace of mind." Tessa tells him, knowing that Bishop saw the video sent from her phone.

Bishop smirks. "Seeing you in action is so fucking hot. There are so many things I want to do to you, that I have to stop myself from claiming you right there." He leans forward, nipping her ear.

Tessa rolls her eyes playfully. Looking up at Bishop, she frowns at his serious face. "I saw the dashcam footage, that's how we figured out it was Marilyn." Tessa's face turns a light shade of pink as she remembers some of the things she said to Emily. "I love you Tess and one day you will be my esposa, and we'll have our own kids."


"I'm surprised you haven't already knocked me up." Tessa teases, insinuating his lack of protection. Thankfully she has her own contraception, though Bishop relies on it too heavily.

Bishop throws his head back in laughter, before gently placing his hand over her stomach, careful of her bandage. "One day." He murmurs, leaning down to softly kiss her.

Walking into the back room of Flores Pequeñas, Tessa's face hardens at the sight of Marilyn hanging upside down, limps bound. She can feel as the room becomes anxious about what she is about to do. As much as Tessa didn't want the club the see this, she knew they needed to. Angel and EZ promised her they could handle it.

Bishop's hand on the small of her back never leaves, as Tessa takes her time marching toward Marilyn, taunting him with her boots hitting the ground. Now that she's had rest and time to walk, her legs are back to normal, her face has settled down a lot more. Now only for her stomach to heal.

"Tess," Marilyn starts, the blood rushing to his head and reddening his face.

With a look from Tessa, Nestor swings a bat into Marilyn's stomach. She stands in front of him, tilting her head as Marilyn starts coughing, a wicked smile over her face. "How dare you." She starts, her eyes ablaze. "How fucking dare you upset my man. How dare you take his wife, who had nothing to do with Anita!" Tessa's voice raises as she gestures to Miguel, startling everyone as she loses her temper.

Angel flinches, remembering that angered voice all too well. "You will never see your daughter again. She will never have to worry about you trying to find her because you're going to cease to exist."

Tessa walks over to a bench behind Miguel, scrunching her nose as she decides which blade to pick. She grabs her favourite, looping her finger through the hole and clutching the handle so the blade is at a right angle to her wrist. Marilyn's eyes widen, taking in her words and realising he is about to endure the pain he put her through, only worse.

Bishop crosses his arms over his chest as he watches Tessa slicing down Marilyn's stomach, similar to how her's is. She gives Marilyn a few cuts along his body, lodging the blade into his thigh as she reaches her hand out to Nestor. Marilyn screams as Tessa had slowly etched into his skin.

Nestor swallows, internally cringing at what Tessa wants. He hands her the hooked knife, clenching his thighs in response to her evil smirk. Angel widens his eyes as Tessa has Nestor cut Marilyn's pants off, eyeing the knife in her hand. He glances at Bishop, who watches on with a blank expression.

With her gloves on, Tessa says nothing as she begins to hack at Marilyn's junk. He releases a bloodcurdling scream, sending a shiver down Angel's spine as his sister is emotionless. With the pain he would have endured, Tessa knows it was worse than her mere punches. Marilyn didn't have the stomach to properly torture her, hence why she escaped so easily.

Tessa steps back as his junk lands on the ground, blood seeping down his body. She knows he'll be near death, removing the blade from his thigh and slicing his neck open. Miguel clenches his jaw as Tessa lets Marilyn bleed out, chocking on his own blood. She spits at him, before turning to place the weapons on the bench and remove her gloves.

Bishop engulfs her in a hug, breathing in her scent as he calms down. He would have liked to watch him suffer more but knows it needed to be over with so they can go home. With his arm around her waist, Bishop leads her outside, leaving Miguel to clean up the mess.

"Lets party," Tessa announces once outside.

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