Chapter Nineteen

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With Bishop's phone hooked to the computer, the video starts. Bishop isn't sure if he can watch this as well, seeing Tessa hanging with her hands bound above her. She has a look of determination on her face, but Bishop can see the blood all over her, he isn't sure how much fight she has left.

"This is what happens when you lie to me, Tessa." Someone says behind the camera, Bishop can only assume it's Marilyn.

A man moves in front of Tessa, taking a knife off a bench and slicing down her shirt and cutting into her skin. The blade cuts across her stomach, blood pouring out and soaking into her once nice cream shirt. Bishop nearly cries at the sight of her, making no sound. Tessa breathes heavily, her nose flaring as she clenches her jaw from the excruciating pain.

"Where is she!" Marilyn shouts.

Bishop curses as Tessa starts laughing, throwing her head back. "You fucking cabrón. Even if I knew, do you really think I'd be pendejo enough tell you?"



Tessa's comment receives her a crowbar against her stomach, digging into the fresh wound. She scrunches her face in pain, determined not to say anything as the bar is pressed deeper, setting her body on fire. Bishop can only watch as his love is tortured, unable to help her. Miguel clenches his jaw at the sight of his best friend, staying silent as Marilyn tries desperately to get her to talk.

"Hurting you physically is a waste of time. But her," Marilyn pans the phone to a dog cage, where Emily has tears streaming down her face.

Someone drags Emily out, throwing her in front of Tessa, who moves against her restraints. "Don't you fucking touch her!" She shouts, coughing as she is punched in the stomach.

Emily looks up at Tessa, covering her mouth as Tessa spits whatever blood she has left at Marilyn. He moves closer, the phone in her face. "I'm sending this to your Latina lover, so he can see who you really are! A sadistic fucking murderer."

"Fuck you," Tessa growls, as Bishop knows who she is. This won't affect him in that way, but it will break his heart.

Marilyn chuckles. "You already have."

Bishop lights a cigarette, inhaling deeply as he sees a wicked smirk across Tessa's face. "And your nothing compared to my Latina lover. At least he knows how to fuck."

Angel looks to EZ, tears in his eyes as he hears Tessa grunt from being hurt again. As much as hearing what Bishop and his sister do make's him uncomfortable, he just can't believe she's so bold. She knows taunting this Marilyn makes her situation worse, but she doesn't seem to care. She barely makes a sound as he beats her bloody when Angel knows she must be in unbearable pain.

Miguel swallows as Emily's shirt is forcefully removed from her screaming body, left to sit there so vulnerable in front of men. When he finds Marilyn, he's going to gut him like a pig. His wife is innocent in this ordeal, only with Tessa because she had dinner with him. He knows Tessa can't physically protect her, but he can't help but be angry at her for putting Emily there.

A hand wraps around Tessa's throat and chin, forcing her to watch as Emily's shirt is thrown off. Breathing deeply, Tessa weakly wraps her hands around the rope that hangs from the metal rail, hoisting her knee into the man's chin. His hand uncoils from her, stepping back as blood slips out his mouth, he bit his tongue. Tessa grunts as she brings her leg up, kicking him in the face.

She smiles evilly as the man stumbles back, not expecting her to do that.

"When I get free, which I will, I'm going to kill you so fucking slowly you'll wish you never fucking met me!" Tessa's voice raises as she yells at Marilyn.

Before she can do anything else, someone sneaks up behind her and smashes the back of his gun against her head, rendering her unconscious. Her head hangs forward as her body becomes limp. Bishop can just see her breathing, as the video cuts out once they walk away.

Bishop releases a shaky breath, before snapping. He shoves the computer off the table, his body consuming with rage as he watched his girl get knocked out, again. He feels so fucking helpless, unable to trace her, the CCTV footage unable to pick up the van as it takes her away. He has no real lead on her location, leaving him to only see her through fucked up videos.

Angel rushes to Bishop, wrapping his arms around his short Presidente. He feels Bishop's body shake with rage, though he clings onto Angel as he silently cries. Angel can feel how much Bishop loves his sister, he's so broken without her. Clinging on, Bishop buries his head into Angel's chest as the tears stream down, unable to hold them back.

Groaning, Tessa slowly lifts her eyes, blinking rapidly to adjust to the complete darkness. She hears soft whimpers to her left, Emily curled in the cage without her shirt to keep her warm. As Tessa tries to move her ankles, she feels something sharp against her left foot. Still drowsy from being unconscious, Tessa tries to gather her strength to hoist her body up again.

She whimpers as the cut on her stomach pinches, sending an immense amount of pain throughout her body. Her adrenaline has yet to kick in, meaning she's going to have to push through the pain her body has endured.

Tessa hopes that Marilyn takes the rest of the night off, to come try again in the morning. At least, she thinks it's still night, considering how dark it is. Gritting her teeth, Tessa swings her legs back and forth, trying to hook her feet up above her. She can only plead that the cold sensation against her foot is her blade that is stashed inside the boot and it became unlodged.

Quickly straightening her leg and trying not to cry out, Tessa manages to catch the blade as it slips out. Her feet swing down, causing her body to tug on the rope and cut into her wrists even more. Blood starts to trickle down her shirt from moving so much.

Tessa grunts as she flips the blade around and starts to hack into the rope. She glances at the door in the far corner, her eyes now adjusted. It feels like hours, her small blade cutting into the material, but eventually, it loosens. Tessa widens her eyes as she hears the last bit snap, her body falling to the ground.

Naturally, her legs give out under her as she falls forward. Emily sits up, wiping her face as she sees Tessa now on the ground.


"Shh, I'm getting us out of here." Tessa quietens her, crawling over to Emily's cage to unlock it.

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