Chapter Twenty Two

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Sitting on Bishop's lap, feeling the heat of the fire on her side, Tessa can't feel any more peaceful than she is at this moment. With Bishop's arms wrapped securely around her smaller frame, locking her into him, Tessa can relax.

Taking a swig of her beer, Tessa stares into the flames as her mind wanders off. Everything she did ten years ago, defending herself and working for Miguel, it all brought her here. Sure if she never went down the road, she'd still be here in Santo Padre and she believes she would have still found her way to Bishop, but she wouldn't be the same girl.

Angel would still be treating her like a fragile little girl, probably would have stopped her from stealing cars and pushed her toward a legitimate career, possibly outside of Santo Padre.

"What's on your mind bebita?" Bishop asks softly, his chin resting on her shoulder.

"Just thinking... What my life would look like if I never worked for Miguel." She admits, closing her eyes as she inhales, leaning her head against his.

Bishop tilts his head to kiss her collarbone, trailing up to her tattoo on her neck. "You would still be here, and I wouldn't have had to wait so long for you."

"I know that," Tessa chuckles, placing her empty beer down next to the chair leg. "But I wouldn't be the same person, you know?"

Bishop pulls back, staring at her in confusion. Tessa feels his warmth vanish, turning to face him better. "You never changed Tess. From what Angel used to tell us, you care deeply for the ones you love and go the whatever lengths necessary to protect them. Sure, you've got blood on your hands now, but the Tessa Reyes ten years ago is the same girl sitting in my lap. You just never had to experience situations that tested you back then."

Tears rim Tessa's eyes, as she gazes at Bishop. "I love you," Bishop responds by kissing her, groaning as she tugs at the ends of his hair. He knows from the emotion in her voice, she really does love him. And from the way she loses her breath, desperate to take his. Tessa will forever be intoxicated from the taste of him.

A set of headlights appear, pulling Bishop and Tessa apart as they try to think who it would be. Their thoughts are answered as Alvarez walks past the gate, holding hands with someone.

"Mattea." It's barely audible, but Bishop smiles as Tessa's face lights up. Even with her stomach injury preventing her from sudden movements, Tessa springs up and rushes over to her friend. "Mattea!"

The moment Mattea makes out Tessa's voice through the loud music and chatter of the club, she leaves Alvarez's side and embraces her friend. Alvarez chuckles, moving over to where Bishop sits as they watch their girls reunite.

"Holy shit Tessa, fuck chica you look gorgeous." Mattea's eyes roam Tessa's body, releasing a low whistle. Tessa laughs her off, taking her hand and moving over to the fire, taking the empty seats across from their men.

"I'm sorry Marcus couldn't be there today, if I had of known, he'd be picking me up tomorrow." Mattea apologises for Alvarez being absent from today's events. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Tessa shakes her head, giving her a half-smile. "I'd rather you be here now, then tomorrow."

"So, Obispo?" Mattea wriggles her eyebrows, as Tessa just looks away, her cheeks reddening. "Holy shit, are you-Tessa Reyes are you in love?!" Mattea's voice raises, catching Bishop and Alvarez's attention from across the fire.

Tessa clenches her jaw, hating how she reacts to Mattea, who only drops her jaw in disbelief. Tessa was never one for romance, just fuck and go. No matter how many people Mattea tried to set Tessa up with, they never went through.

Bishop smiles warmly as Tessa and Mattea converse, Tessa completely relaxed. She's clearly missed her friend, who Bishop still can't believe is married his primo. Mattea is a different level of crazy, always managing to keep Alvarez on his toes.

"How is she doing?" Alvarez asks, shaking his head lightly as Mattea bursts out laughing.

"She's good. She'll be better once she's back at work though, I can tell she hates resting and doing fuck all." Bishop responds, taking a drink as he watches Tessa.

Mattea goes silent, observing the way Bishop never leaves Tessa, his eyes always on her. "That right there looks like a man in love."

Tessa glances at Bishop, her heart swelling as they lock eyes. She becomes aware of her heartbeat as she loses herself in his dark brown orbs, as though they are the only two people in the world.

A commotion to the side of the clubhouse catches Tessa's attention. Reluctantly pulling away from Bishop, she bites her cheek as Angel saunters away from EZ. Without saying a word, Tessa gets up and marches over to Angel, grabbing the collar to his cut and dragging him up the porch, away from others.

"El Secretario, congratulations Angel." Tessa commends her big brother.

The secretary.

Angel grumbles his thanks, hanging his head as he kicks the porch railing. He knows what Tessa is going to say, he just hoped it would be later. Maybe if he can delay it longer. "You and Bish, you like his Ol' Lady or something?"

Tessa quirks a brow, catching onto him. "I don't know, you'd have to ask him." She replies, leaning against the rail next to Angel as she watches Bishop laugh with Alvarez. "I know how much it hurts Angel, he lied to you, he put you in a position that would fuck everything up within the club if it got out. But if I can put it behind me, I know you can. It happened, he fucked up but fucking hell Angel you can't ignore his existence forever."

Angel doesn't respond. Clenching her jaw, Tessa turns to face Angel completely. "Do you... did he tell you what we had to do?" Angel asks, meaning how the deal was erased.

Tessa shakes her head. "That's not my business."

"We had to kill our cousin Jimenez, the DEA Agent that gave EZ the deal."

"I'm sorry you had to do that Angel." Tessa's voice softens as she pulls her brother in for a hug. He accepts, wrapping his arms around Tessa's smaller frame, instantly relaxing. Sometimes she's even more level headed than Ezekiel.

Angel kisses the top of her head. "I'm really fucking glad your home Tess. Bishop was on a fucking rampage without you." Tessa pulls away, chuckling softly. "He loves you, and so do I. Never forget it." Angel kisses the side of her temple before turning and stepping off the porch.

Tessa watches him join Coco and Gilly, smiling as they joke around. Exhaling deeply, Tessa goes to join Bishop, sliding her arms around him as she leans into his back. Instantly he knows who it is, turning in her arms.

"Take me to bed." She whispers, her knees weakening as his orbs darken.

Without saying anything to anyone, Bishop sweeps Tessa off her feet, careful not to hurt her stomach wound as he carries her into the clubhouse. Tessa throws her head back in laughter as everyone starts whistling.

Opening his door, Bishop shuts it behind him as he walks Tessa to the bed. Gently he lays her down, his pants constricting at the sight of her. Goosebumps explode along her body, her breathing already rapid as he moves to hover over her.

"I love you, Tess."

Tessa almost moans at the sound of his husky voice, his lips trailing down her jawline. "Te Quiero Bishop."

I love you Bishop.

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