Chapter Thirteen

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"Lincoln Potter, the Assistant U.S Attorney paid me a visit when I was locked up yesterday. Showed me a file, a recorded file detailing shit within the cartel, from a Prospects view. The detail was that fucking realistic, it had me wondering, where I have a seen that before? Oh right, my little fucking brother." Tessa's voice comes across as calm, but her anger is evident.

EZ swallows, unable to look away from the gun pointed at him. "What the fuck have you done Ezekiel?"

"The DEA came to me with a deal, provide information on the cartel and once I earnt my points, I'd be free." Tessa clenches her jaw. "Tess, I was looking at six more years."

"Fuck Ezekiel, do know what you've done here!? The club will think Angel knew about it, considering he brought you in! Jesus Christ! What do you think is going to happen to me now, huh?" Tessa stands up, her mind racing. "When Miguel goes down, his associates go down, I go down! Bishop, Angel, the fucking club goes down!"

"I made sure the club doesn't get affected!" EZ cuts her off. "Only the Galindo cartel goes down, so you need to get out Tessa, get out while you can."

Tessa scoffs, shaking her head at his words. "If you believe that, then your not as smart as I thought."

Tessa reigns her anger in, presenting herself as calm as possible. "How am I supposed to sleep next to the man I love, and not be able to tell him anything. To go to work, and look my best fucking friend in the eye, and know he's being ratted out, unable to warn him."

"Tess-" EZ starts, slightly taken aback by her words about Bishop.

"Stay the fuck out of my way Ezekiel."

With that, Tessa pushes the door open, slamming it back onto the caravan body. EZ watches as she marches her way into her car, reversing out of the scrap yard. Once she leaves her brother in the rearview, Tessa pulls over. Her breathing is rapid, her body shaking.

Shit, she curses, comprehending her last words to EZ. She just told him she loves Bishop, and she hasn't even told herself. At the thought of Bishop, her stomach flutters. "Fuck me." She slaps her steering wheel, laughing to herself.

As she begins to pull back onto the road, her phone rings, connecting to the head unit. "Hello?"

"Where are you?" Miguel's voice fills the car.

"About to come over, why?"

"Meet us at the San Buho Tribal Casino, I'll explain everything," Miguel informs her, ending the call.

Bishop pulls into the Casino parking lot next to Alvarez, parking their bikes and heading toward the entrance. As he nears the doors, he glances around, spotting Tessa's Range Rover parked in front of Miguel's cars. He walks inside with purpose, desperate to get to her.

When Bishop was informed of her arrest, he was pissed. It explained why she didn't see him after she said she would, how he couldn't contact her. It was the second night she had disappeared without a trace, sending his mind into a frenzy as he thought of what could have happened to her.

He became restless, acting on anger as he couldn't hold her. His boy's tiptoed around him, careful not to set him off.

As he paces in front of the group, Alvarez looks back at everyone with a sly smile. They recognised Tessa's car and were visibly relieved that she was here. Now their Presidente can relax.

Once Bishop knows what room they are in, he nearly runs. Reaching the door, he doesn't hesitate to swing it open, surprising everyone inside. He locks eyes with Tessa, crossing the room and ignoring Miguel's confused stare.

The moment he's close, he grabs the sides of Tessa's face, pulling her up to him as he crashes his lips down on hers. Her hands find themselves around his neck, pressing herself against him as his breath intertwines with hers. Tessa smiles, happy to stay here in his arms forever, relishing in the taste of him.

Bishop instantly calms, her scent relaxing him. He hasn't touched her in two days, missing the feel of her and the way she moulds into him. Bishop reluctantly pulls away, looking down at her swollen lips. Tessa catches her breath, taking in his intoxicating smell of cigarettes and leather.

Tessa bites her lip, peeking behind Bishop to see everyone visibly shocked. Bishop rests his hand on the small of her back, already looking happy. Alvarez dips his head toward Tessa, who smiles. Alvarez then walks over to Miguel, taking a seat next to him.

Bishop leaves Tessa's side as he sits across from Miguel, though his eyes never leave hers. Tessa almost laughs as Devante tries to sit on the other side of Miguel, having no idea what is in store for him. Hearing EZ's name has Tessa almost fired up again, but she hides it under her mask. She's not particularly keen on Bishop seeing this side of her, but he would sooner or later.

Tessa vaguely pays attention as Miguel goes into detail about the past two days, Nestor exiting the room. The door reopens, Adelita stepping through. Bishop stands up, looking over at Tessa.

"What the fuck is this?" He gives her a look, that she easily reads. Tessa nods, telling him she did know.

Bishop takes his seat, unsure of Adelita's presence. Devante walks over to Miguel, interrupting him. Tessa blinks, silently moving behind Devante's chair, who reluctantly sits back down. As Miguel continues to explain the situation, Tessa sees Devante flinch, ready to move up again. This time, she grabs his shoulders and forces him still, capturing everyone's attention.

"Sit the fuck down." Tessa hisses into his ear, the look in her eyes igniting something within Bishop.

As he watches Tessa move along once again, he can't help but think how gorgeous she is. The way she makes no sound, her blank expression showing Bishop just how dangerous she is, turns him on. He's so lost in her, that he doesn't comprehend Tessa actually moving behind him and gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

She stays like that for the rest of the meeting, trying to reign in her affection for him as she felt him become more comfortable under her touch. As Adelita moves around the room to introduce herself, she leaves Tessa for last, already knowing she is going to like her.

"Luisa." She offers her hand, one Tessa accepts.

"Tessa." Adelita tilts her head, remembering Angel mention his sister named Tessa. As she studies her, she sees the resemblance.

Off to the side, Miguel talks with Bishop and Alvarez. "Marcus, do you mind riding back with me?" Miguel asks. "Need your opinion on a family matter."

"Of course. My knees and back will be thankful." He chuckles, patting Miguel's shoulder.

Miguel turns to look at Tessa as she converses with Adelita, glancing back at the cousins. "She's got the night off." Miguel gives Bishop a knowing look, before turning back to see Tessa walking toward them.

"I need a fucking drink." She wraps an arm around Miguel, kissing his cheek. "Kiss my Godson goodnight for me." She chirps as Miguel hugs her.

Tessa winks at Bishop and Alvarez, making her way to the door. All three men follow her retreating figure, raising their brows as they watch her dismiss EZ, who tries to talk to her.

Miguel turns to Bishop, who shrugs. "I'll take that as my cue." He embraces Alvarez, before heading out of the room and searching for Tessa.

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