Chapter Fifteen

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The sound of a phone ringing breaks through Tessa's sleep. Groaning, she stirs in Bishop's arms, squirming to get out of his hold and answer her phone. As she answers the phone, Bishop rolls away.

"Hola?" Her voice still sounds groggy.

"Morning Tessa! I didn't wake you did I?" Anita chirps on the other end, causing Tessa to chuckle.

"Mmm, mi novia, you did. So I'm going to have to come over and beat your ass." Anita laughs at Tessa's playful threat.

Rubbing her eyes, Tessa looks back to see Bishop shift in his sleep, nuzzling into her pillow. He looks so peaceful, not having to worry about anything just yet. Tessa misses every word that comes out of Anita's mouth.

"Mi novia, I'll call you later? I have some things I need to do."

Putting her phone down, she gazes down at Bishop. Reaching out, she runs a hand through his hair, chuckling as he instinctively moves closer. Shifting, Tessa rests her head on her hand, leaning forward to softly capture his lips. As she pulls back, she can see he is beginning to stir, so she moves along his jaw, down his neck and suckles on the spot beneath his ear.

His arms wrap around her, flipping them over so he hovers above her. "I could get used to waking up like that bebita."

Baby girl.

Hearing Bishop's husky morning voice has Tessa weak at the knees. As he leans down to kiss her, his phone pings. Groaning he leans over her to grab his phone, straddling her as his phone starts to ring.

"Yes?" As he talks, Tessa begins to admire her work. Her first mark is almost gone, her new one completely visible. She smirks as he hangs up. Sighing, he gently kisses her, then moves to stand up. "Come on, we gotta go."

Groaning, Tessa slips out from the covers and tries to find her scattered clothes. Heading into the adjacent bathroom, she attempts to control her curls when she notices her very exposed neck.

"Obispo Losa!" She shouts, moving the collar to see the various marks left on her skin and his love bite on her shoulder. At least that's hidden.

Bishop sheepishly peeks around the corner, trying to hide his smile as she raises a brow at him. "How the fuck am I supposed to do my job, with these?" She's always presented herself as a professional, until now.

"Just like I have been for the past two days." Tessa rolls her eyes, knowing he's going to be pissed when he sees what she did only minutes prior.

Pulling up to the Galindo estate, Tessa exits her car, not before checking the turtle neck hides Bishop's marks. With her takeaway coffee in hand, she enters the house, hearing Cristobal's happy squeals. Walking outside to where Miguel and Emily sit, she ignores the couples questioning stare.

"Buenos días." Tessa chimes, taking a seat across the coffee table.

Good morning.

"You seem radiant today Tess." Emily comments, Miguel nodding his head along with his wife.

Tessa rolls her eyes, before cooing towards her Godson, who laughs in delight. They sit like that for a few minutes, before Miguel pulls Tessa aside. Standing in front of the pool, looking out at the beautiful scenery before them, Miguel gives Tessa a serious look.

"I asked Marcus Alvarez to be my advisor."

"What? U asked him to leave the Mayans, the club he founded, to advise you?" Tessa looks at him in shock. "So you're just going to pull his wife and kids out of their home in Oakland and move them up here?"

Miguel swallows, knowing how close Tessa is with Mattea Alvarez. He honestly forgot about his family, considering he's been up here so much. "He starts tonight. We're going to pick him up from your Presidente's clubhouse."

Shit, Tessa thinks. She can only imagine how this will affect Bishop, his primo leaving the club he's dedicated his life into, to work for the Galindo cartel. He'll be crushed, he'll understand because that's who he is, open-minded. But he'll hate it.

"I need to go with, uh Bishop will be-"

"Of course." Miguel cuts her off, remembering she is with the Mayan Presidente now. "I'll call you when they leave."

For the rest of the day, Tessa hangs around the house with Emily, enjoying some quality time with her Godson. Once it falls dark, Miguel indicates that the car is ready to go, just waiting for her. Smiling, she slides in, looking out the window as they head towards the clubhouse.

The car stops shy of the gate, Tessa getting out as Alvarez comes into view.

"Marcus." Tessa dips her head in greeting, only to be pulled into a hug.

"He needs you." He says, meaning his primo. Tessa smiles, stepping aside for Alvarez to get into the car and closes the door behind him.

As she walks past the gate, she sees Bishop talking to Angel, who looks pissed. She sends Hank and Taza a wink, as she walks up behind Bishop, sliding her hands down his chest. Instantly he knows who it is, looking up at her. She sees his cheeks slightly stained, his eyes rimmed light pink.

Her heart-breaks, her thumb wiping his cheek as she clenches her jaw. Tessa glances at her brother, who can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy of his Presidente and sister. Tessa pulls Bishop up, wrapping her arms around him. He embraces her, burying his nose into the crook of her neck as he inhales her scent.

Slowly pulling away, Tessa cups his cheek, looking at him as he closes his eyes and leans into her touch. Bishop hates showing that he is upset, though with Tessa he can't hide it. He can't hide anything from her, his walls are broken down when he comes to her.

"Mi corazón, Marcus will be okay. He's a strong man, who can handle anything." Tessa tells him. "At least now, you'll see him and his family more, though I see how much this pains you. He's still your El Padrino."

My heart.

Bishop says nothing, leaning down to capture her lips, his hands grabbing her hips and pressing her against him as he breathes her in. Tessa wraps her arms around his neck, feeling how much emotion Bishop is pouring into her. Her man needs her.

Pulling away, she grabs his hands and begins to lead him inside. Bishop sends her a look of confusion as they walk past the bar and past EZ, who ducks his head at the sight of his sister. "Let me look after you." She smiles, closing Bishop's door behind them as she sits him down on the bed and begins to remove his clothing.

Watching Bishop and Tessa go inside the clubhouse, Angel turns to everyone. Hank and Taza walk over, looking at Angel. "Never thought I'd see Bish this fucking happy. I'm glad he's with your sister." Hank tells him.

Angel nods in agreement, knowing Bishop will also look after Tessa.

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