3 (smut)

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I wake up, again, in another cold-sweat panic, but this time I calm down much more quickly, grounding myself by reaching down and intertwining my fingers with the thicker ones still loosely placed on my stomach. The twilight light filtering through the half open blinds tells me it's no later than 5 am. It illuminates not much, but enough. I crane my neck up to look at Tank who's still sleeping peacefully. His eyelashes splay across his cheeks, dark in contrast to the even-tone skin. His mouth is parted slightly, soft lips opening with each deep breath. He seems, soft, gentle, contrary to his massive size. I turn my head back so that I'm facing forward and tentatively settle back against the hard cut of his body, for warmth. The surprising hardness of his cock presses back and he slightly stirs with a small grunt. I'm surprised, and freeze for a moment.

I realize that I want him.

Heat begins rising in my center, flooding my stomach, and burning in my cheeks. My hand brushes across his, "Hey," I whisper to him, nudging him with my shoulder. He groans, face scrunching as he wakes up. His eyes are barely open when he replies, "Yeah, what's-" he feels himself, hard against my back. "Ah- Fuck- Sorry- I'm," he starts to pull back but my hand tightens around his. "It's-" I stutter, searching his face, "It's okay with me." His hips still, and he presses them back against me, his eyes fluttering shut and a small breath escaping his lips as our bodies connect.

I press back again, this time with purpose, grinding my ass against the length of his hard cock. I can feel flutters in my core, where his fingers momentarily twitch against my stomach. I pause between each movement, feeling the wetness between my legs grow, suddenly more aware that I didn't have any underwear to change into. With each grind against his cock I watch him, I watch as his eyes move beneath his eyelids, I watch his lips part with mumbles and moans in response to my movement. I begin to lose myself in the rhythm, moving myself along his body. I push my shirt up around my chest and use my own hand to pinch my nipples, small gasps escaping me. I wrap my other free hand around his and drag it up near my face, hiding myself in it to stifle my moans. Eyes closed tight I move against him, only daring to steal glances. Emboldened, I rake my nails down my nipple, barely suppressing a loud moan and look up at him again, and jolt. Bright eyes stare back down at me. I freeze, heat and insecurity warming my core.

Suddenly the sound of my breath alone in the room is deafening as we keep our eyes locked. I shift to move away, but his hips snap forward, pressing his somehow more erect cock against my ass. I feel it twitch in his boxers, and can't control the moan that slips out of my lips. Time feels frozen and Tank stares me down with a piercing look. Spurred by a moment of bravery I raise my hands and grip his hand, slipping the tip of his thumb into my mouth and suck on it, running my tongue down the length. Tank growls in response, eyes locked on my lips like a hawk, the cherry red stretch over his digit obviously welcome. I moan in response and take his thumb deeper, still holding the base with one hand, the other moving for his other hand. I suck and tongue his thumb, ass still grinding against his twitching length. He watches me, drinking the sight in with an almost burning intensity. I use my other hand to guide his hand to my breast, and graze his fingers across my hard nipple.

I moan, slightly wanton and pop his finger out of my mouth. I am rewarded with a low, constant, growl rumbling from Tanks chest, as his hands tense. I feel studied, hot, squirming under his unwavering gaze, "P-please," I say, no louder than a whisper with desperation dripping in my voice. And like a flipped switch, Tank is spurred into action.

He moves quickly, pushing me to lay flat on my back. He arches over me, completely covering my body, looking at me eye to eye, his cock pressing against my knee. "You..." he starts, but before he can finish he kisses me deeply, his tongue probing my mouth and pushing against mine. I moan pathetically into his mouth, trying my best to not simply melt. After thoroughly fucking my mouth with his tongue Tank sits back on his heels and grabs his own cock, squeezing it through his boxers. "You got my underwear so wet," he says, one hand still squeezing his cock, the other slipping between my legs. Embarrassed, I whine and close my legs tightly, moving to cover my face with my arm.
"Open." He commands, hand paused between my legs, "Or I can't fuck you." Another whine rises in my throat, and I pant out ragged breaths, but follow the command and let my legs fall back open. His hand follows the length of my legs, stopping just before reaching my pussy.

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