11 (plot, smut)

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I wake up with a jolt, my alarm blaring at 7:55 am, as close to 8 am I can safely get. I rub the sleep from my eyes, barely sitting up on my elbows. I check my phone, hopeful for another text, but I'm not too surprised when I don't find one. Though, I still feel disappointed. I lean back on my wall, cushioned by my pillows and crack my laptop open. I open my class's Zoom link, hardly conscious. I sign in and wait for the class to open, idly scrolling my phone. The class opens a little late at 8:02 am, the Zoom notification chimes in tandem with a notification from messages.

New Message

I run my lip through my teeth, mouse hovering over the Notification, deciding if I should click or not. My professor's voice drones in the background, screensharing a powerpoint that I wouldn't pay attention to anyways. Fuck it. I click the text, stomach fluttering.

'Attachment 1' 8:02 am
'This is the Calvatia gigantea, aka Giant puffball.' 8:02am

Unable to stop my smile, I pull the collar of his shirt up, hiding it.

'you weren't kidding huh' 8:03 am
'i'm in class rn' 8:03 am

'Bad girl.' 8:05 am

I'm blushing like an idiot, trying to hide inside my shirt, completely ignoring my class. Suddenly I hear my name being called. I listen in, just in time.

"-can you pull your head out of your shirt?" I sit up, letting the shirt fall back down.
Sorry Dr. H.
I don't reply to Tank's message, feeling embarrassed. I decide maybe it's better to try to pay attention in class today, anyways, since Dr. H's attention will be on me now, after catching me slacking. My prediction is right, and she calls on me for the next question. Thanking God that I was listening, I answer correctly, hopeful that I've soothed her scrutiny of me. Another message notification dings.

New Message

I figure it's okay to open it, I just won't reply until later.

'Sorry, I can't judge.' 8:15 am
'I'm at work.' 8:15 am

I struggle to hide my smile, tabbing back to Zoom before I can talk myself into replying, leaving the message on read. I'm lucky to pay attention for the rest of the class, Dr. H's attention never wavering from me, she directly asks me about 5 more topics over the course of the class.

At 9:55 am, class dismisses 5 minutes late. I leave the meeting at lightning speed, closing my laptop and tucking it under my bed. I curl myself up in my blankets, hands on my phone in an instant.

'sorry, got busted for slacking' 9:56 am

I scroll social media waiting for his reply. When it doesn't come I feel upset building in my stomach. I set another alarm for 2:55 pm, my next class, and lock my phone, placing it on my chest. Still exhausted from hardly sleeping, I pass out quickly.

I wake up again when my alarm rings. I immediately go to check my texts. I sigh, stomach sinking, when the only text I have is an automated text about city-wide 9 pm curfew. I explain it away as Tank being busy at work, resolute to leave it at that. I log into my next class, until it releases at 5:50 pm, uneventful. Still no text from Tank.

My upset is starting to settle in my stomach like a weight. I wish I could stop myself from being so self-conscious for fucking once, but the thoughts cloud my head, despite the reassurances I tell myself. I skulk out of my room, starving. I head straight for the kitchen. I pass Sofia on the way, who's sitting in the living room in the same position as yesterday, different clothes, still watching trash TV. I huff, grabbing myself only junk to eat. I collapse on the couch, opposite Sofia. I immediately grab a blanket and bury myself in it. I open my food bag with a crunch, settling it in my lap. This gets Sofia's attention, and she looks over to me, or more accurately, my food. "Don't mind if I do." I angle it toward her, an offering. She grabs a handful, then eyes me for a moment too long, eyes a little too knowing. "I don't wanna talk about it." I say, preemptively. She nods, "Fair enough." I'm thankful for her specific brand of support in this moment. We sit in relative silence, sharing food and making fun of whatever we can find on Netflix.

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