26 (plot, angst, smut)

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My phone alarm wakes me up with a start as I immediately jerk to turn it off. At some point Tank and I shifted. He's pressed against my back with his face buried in my hair, hands warm where they rest on my stomach. I press back into him, happy when I feel him hard against my ass. I shake my head with a laugh. Our current position reminds me of the night we first spent together.

It's weird to remember that, and then look at where we are now. My hand drops to Tank's as I move my hips back against him. He stirs just slightly, hands twitching against my abdomen as his hips almost instinctively press into me.

He rubs his cheek against my head, still coming to as his hands start to grip me a little harder. I smile to myself, grinding back against him with purpose. Tank's shift into awareness is apparent, as his hands tighten and jerk my body back against his, pressing us flush together. He immediately takes control without a word, hiking my leg up and pressing his hand between my legs.

"God, I need to fuck you-" Tank says as his mouth moves hot on my neck, sucking new bruises as he drags his finger across my clit with sure pressure. I buck into it, relaxing against him and moaning softly from the attention. There's a knock on the door that immediately pauses us.

I whine, honestly close to crying from frustration as I speak. "Yeah?" I call out, voice wavering. "Come upstairs, we're getting ready." Nora calls out. I sigh as Tank keeps pressed against my throat, breathing out a frustrated sigh. "In a minute." I call back.

I turn into Tank's chest, letting my legs fall closed as I bury myself there. "I want to cry." I say. "What have I done to deserve this." I whine as Tank stays tense, soothing me with his hands.

"Baby, c'mon." He says, surprisingly soft. I pout, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "If we get interrupted the next time, I don't care anymore. They can just watch." I say.

Tank squeezes me, then peels himself back and sits up before walking over to his suitcase to get dressed. I sigh, getting up to follow him over and get in my own luggage. I quickly grab my underwear then shift from foot to foot. "I have to leave you here." I start, as he looks at me with a furrowed brow, "I didn't actually bring anything to go out in, figured I'd just steal something from Anna like I always used to." I say.

Tank grabs me for just a moment, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Then go." He says, before shifting his focus back to finding his own clothes. I pull my underwear on and stumble out of the room, shooting upstairs.

I step into Anna's room, surprised when I see Sofia already there, clasping Anna's necklace for her. I try to hide my laugh but fail, if the way they both glare at me says anything. I notice they're both already dressed, Anna in a tight, red, high neck dress, and Sofia in a red satin button down and dress pants. Their clothes look... definitely coordinated. "I need an outfit." I say, swinging myself onto Anna's bed.

She grins, and immediately steps away to go into her closet. Me and Sofia have a conversation with our eyes, where I tell her to get out and she tells me the same thing. She ends up sitting down next to me with a huff.

"So what's the energy you want tonight?" Anna asks, poking her head out of her closet. I smile, batting my eyes, "I want Tank to fuck me like he's trying to kill me once we get home." I say, false sweet. Anna nods, pursing her lips, Sofia grimaces.

"Just don't get cum on anything you can't wash." Anna says, disappearing back into her closet.

Sofia wrinkles her nose, hitting me with her elbow. "Please, never say that again or I'll actually die I think." She says. I laugh, linking my arm around hers and resting my head on her shoulder.

"Please, like you aren't thinking the same thing about Anna." I say, just quiet enough into Sofia's ear. She tackles me to the bed, fighting to slap my face as I try to kick her off, both of us laughing.

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