19 (SMUT)

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I slowly blink sleep from my eyes, body shivering slightly as I stretch. I seek the warmth I can feel next to me, pressing into Tank with a small sigh. I flip to my back, angling my head to look at him. I kiss his chin and he stirs, mumbling as he barely comes to.

Tank grunts, shifting himself down to lay his head on my chest, all while still barely awake. I reach, following his movement and rest my hand on the back of his head.

Tank yawns against my chest, breath warm on my skin. "Why're you up already?" He asks, voice rough with sleep as he lifts his hand to rest it on my stomach. I tense my fingers, running them through his hair. "I dunno." I say with a shrug. It's mostly the truth, I'm not sure why I initially woke up but with him touching me like this I'm not rushing to go back to sleep.

I watch his massive hand that's splayed across my stomach, warm on the skin there, as his fingers sneak up the fabric of my shirt idly. My eyes follow his hand as it slowly rises and falls with my breath. I feel the flush creep up my face, arousal low in my stomach as I watch him. I'm too embarrassed to tell him I'm turned on just watching his hands on me, and struggle to even my breathing.

Tank adjusts himself just slightly, hand gripping my hip to steady himself, applying an even pressure as he moves. My free hand shoots up to cover my mouth as I let out a small breathy moan with the movement, hand tensing in his hair, betraying my current state. He looks up at me at that, sleep fading from his expression.

Tank studies my flustered face for a moment before pressing his hand down again, fingers digging into the soft flesh there. I moan again, muffled by my hands. He releases my hip after a moment, and looks back down, moving his hand to my inner thigh by my knee. He drags his fingers across the skin there, feather light as his hand sneaks higher and higher.

My thighs trembles slightly with the effort it takes to not buck into his hand and finish the contact. "That feels so nice," I say, whisper soft. I let my head fall to the side, trying to relax. "Even last night when I was mad," I start, and he looks back up at me, watching my flushed face, "I still wanted you to grab my thigh when you were driving, I kept thinking about it." I finish.

"Oh," Tank says teasingly, "Like this?" Before the words have even left his mouth he grips my upper thigh, hard. I whimper, thighs squeezing together as I roll my hips, no longer able to maintain that control.

Tank sits up on his other elbow and leans over me, meeting my lips in a kiss as his hand kneads the soft flesh of my thigh. I'm moaning into his mouth, content underneath of him as his hand continues in its movement, slowly sliding higher between my clenched legs.

After a moment he pulls back, gaze hot on me as I arch into empty space where he was. His eyes drop back down to his hand on my thigh. "Are you going to be a good girl and open up for me?"

I moan under my breath, letting my legs relax as he guides them open. His head dips and he presses kisses to my chest over my shirt. His hand finally closes the distance, finger slipping across my pussy to drag my slick to my clit.

I'm squirming underneath of Tank, breathy moans high in my throat as his fingers start their work on me. My hands are resting on the back of his head, tense as I lose myself in the stimulation.

Tank's mouth leaves my chest, pressing a single kiss to my shoulder along the way as he pulls himself up and shifts to lay at my side, fingers still moving against my clit. His free arm sneaks around my shoulders, cradling me closer to him. His hand slips out from between my legs to grab my thigh for only a moment and shift me so that I'm pressed flush against him, our legs tangling together. I can feel his cock twitch, hard against my thigh as his hand moves back to pleasuring me.

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