Extra (edging)

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1 week after

It's been a non-stop fuckfest since we finally got together, today is no different. That's how I ended up where I am right now, lifted onto the counter in Tank's kitchen, legs spread, with his tongue in my mouth. I guess just watching him cook dinner was too much for me.

I moan into Tank's mouth as he rolls his hard cock between my legs. "I can't believe—" I pause as he kisses me again, swallowing the words. I pull back, just so I can speak. "I can't believe we could've been together for weeks. Maybe even avoided that whole fight— Ah—" My speech is interrupted by a moan as Tank's mouth latches onto my neck, sucking new bruises over faded ones.

I try to collect myself, speaking again, "Your little, 'let's wait' plan was so stupid—". Tank finally pulls off for that, lifting a hand to grip my jaw, holding me in place.

"It worked out in the end. So I guess it wasn't too stupid." Tank says, then presses another kiss to my mouth, leading with his tongue. I keep moving against him as I process that statement. It wasn't... too stupid? We almost never saw each other again.

I let myself lean into the feeling of annoyance, deciding I'm going to make him pay for his mistake if he won't admit to it. I pull back from the kiss. Tank looks at me in confusion for just a moment, eyes drifting down to follow my movement. I lift my hands up my skirt and slide my panties off, before spreading my legs open again, staring at him.

"Get on your knees." I say. Tank raises his brows, face cracking into a smile as he drops immediately. I hook my legs over his shoulders, holding my skirt up with my hands as he presses in, making contact with my pussy.

I moan, leaning back to watch him work. I can feel his jaw moving against my thigh as he starts to lick, flicking my clit with his tongue. My hips roll, riding the motion.

I look just in time to see his hand going down to palm his own cock. "Nope." I say, lifting one hand to the back of his head, hooking it in his hair to hold him in place, still riding his tongue as I chastise him. "Hand off your cock. Only I get to touch you this time." I say, tilting my chin up.

Tank grunts, but listens, immediately lifting his hand back to my thigh and gripping down. His tongue starts to move quicker, like he can express his frustration in how hard he eats my pussy. I sigh out a moan, contented, as I feel his tongue curl inside of me.

"You're so good at this daddy." I moan out, twitching my hips. "You make me feel so fucking good." I moan again, louder this time, letting my head roll back on my shoulders. My hips are rocking at this point, grinding Tank's tongue against my clit as I chase my orgasm.

"Ah— yeah, I'm close—" I moan out. His hands tighten in their grip, almost bruising as I rock against his tongue, moments from cumming. Tank's tongue flicks just right and it's all it takes. Thighs held tight enough to shake, I jerk into my orgasm, moaning loudly as I grip his hair to pull him off and up.

Tank obeys immediately, with a low grumble. As soon as he's standing my hands shoot forward, rucking his shorts just low enough that I can wrap my hand around his cock. I start to stroke and he bites out a loud moan, arching forward to press both of his hands to the counter to steady himself.

I keep running my hand along the length of his cock, paying special attention to the flushed head. Tank's vocal, leaning forward to drop his head on my shoulder and moan into my neck. "That's so good baby, fuck." He moans, "I can't wait to fuck you." He says, sighing out another moan.

My mouth curls into a predatory smile as I speed my motions, sloppily jerking his cock. He's not going to be fucking me for awhile. He's not even going to be cumming. But, he doesn't know that. I keep going, dragging my hand along his cock until he starts to tense, leaning in closer. "I'm so fucking close baby don't—" A loud exhale interrupts him as I retract my hand, dropping his cock.

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