15 (fluff, plot)

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I blow out a breath, weighing my options. I've double-booked myself with my roommates and Tank tonight. I steel myself, responding to the group chat with Nora and Sofia.

'so i absolutely forgot' 2:35 pm
'and i might have plans' 2:35 pm
'but im working on fixing it' 2:35 pm

They both reply instantaneously, Nora's message coming in first.

'getting railed for hours by Big Dick isn't better than being with your loving friends 😌' 2:36 pm

'Bruh' 2:36 pm

I hesitate for a second, deciding to ask and see if I can just invite Tank over. If we're going to do this dance of affection and exclusivity and constantly seeing each other it might be better to bite this bullet now, so I send a poll.

'Can I invite him (Tank)?
• yes
• no' 2:36 pm

Nora responds first.

'yes' 2:37 pm

She keeps typing, adding another voting option.

'*only if we get to see his dick' 2:37 pm

I roll my eyes, but smile at her approval, feeling simultaneously more and less confident in my decision to ask Tank to come over tonight. Sofia replies next.

'yes' 2:37 pm
'*only if we dont see his dick' 2:37 pm

She responds, adding a voting option option of her own. I roll my eyes, screenshotting the chat to use in a minute and type my reply back to them.

'ty 🥺🥺🥺' 2:37 pm
'now i have to go ask' 2:38 pm
'wish me luck' 2:38 pm

Before I can type my message out to Tank my phone pings again, displaying a message from Sofia then Nora in the banner notification.

'No' 2:38 pm

'no❤️' 2:38 pm

I bite my tongue, used to the teasing, and keep typing to Tank, this time.

'hi dont be mad' 2:39 pm

Tank texts back before I can finish typing my explanation.

'???' 2:40 pm

'so i forgot that me and my roommates have this movie night almost every Saturday but especially this Saturday because we weren't able to do it last weekend and like, i seriously cannot miss it bc it's my turn to pick the movie so i have to cancel our plans tonight, however' 2:41 pm

I send the screenshot of the poll, and finish my explanation quickly.

'i asked and they said you could come if you want to do that, no pressure or anything though' 2:41 pm

I receive read receipts as I send each message. But, Tank doesn't respond immediately. I get nervous, messing with my hands as a distraction. After a little bit my phone buzzes again.

'So is there a specific time you guys want me to take my dick out or is that just up to me to decide?' 2:50 pm

I laugh, tension easing from me with the affirmative message. Before I can respond my boss walks in, dumping the edits from earlier on my desk and effectively occupying me for the rest of my shift. I barely finish my work, a little after 5 pm, submitting it before I head out for the day.

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