22 (smut, plot, fluff)

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"-c'mon." I barely catch the end of a sentence, trying to blink awake. The first thing I see is Tank, leaning over me. "There she is." He says.

I blink and yawn, still feeling drained from yesterday. I cover my face with the blanket and whine. I know he said it was going to be early, but fuck I'm tired. Tank's hands slip around my waist, keeping me wrapped in the blanket as he lifts me. I pout, squirming in his arms weakly.

Tank carries me for only a moment before dumping me out, and pulls the blanket off my face. I blink, blearily looking around, to see he's carried me to the living room. He crouches down in front of me, and brings our lips together in a kiss that catches me off guard.

In my surprise, my brain struggles to wake up and make me move against his mouth. I finally start moving as he crowds me back against the couch, pressing the kiss deeper. I melt under him, bringing my arms to wrap around his shoulders.

By the time he pulls back, ending the kiss, I feel gooey. I swallow, dragging my eyes open with a couple heavy blinks. "Get ready. We have to leave in 15 so I can get you home before I head out." Tank says, then drops a change of clothes on me. I nod in response, brain too groggy to form a sentence.

I follow Tank's movement, watching him walk away, probably to get dressed. I check my phone for the time, and glare at the 4:15 am shining up at me like it's a personal offense. I close my phone, and opt to stare at the wall while the single piece of me that's conscious spins in my brain, desperately trying to wake me up to a functional state.

I love the time I spend with Tank, but his schedule during his work week is killing me. I cringe, realizing I've been up before 6 am the past three days, though I'm ignoring for now the fact that I got to go back to sleep after.

I continue to zone out, fighting to wake up, when Tank walks back out. I can wake up a little for that. He's fully dressed now, the same outfit as yesterday in slightly different colors, clasping the watch at his wrist. I sit up just a little bit, moving to stretch as he walks out. He laughs, "I see you... did not wake up." He says, eyeing the clothes that lay on me exactly where he left it. I shoot him a glare.

He approaches where I'm at and sits on the arm of the couch, pulling out his phone with his back to me. I pout, "You're ignoring me?" I say, reaching out to tug the back of his shirt. "If you come kiss me I'll get up, I promise." I barter, bringing my legs up to fully lay on the couch, trying to be coy. I barely catch as Tank leans back, turning to look at me for just a second.

"If I come down there and start kissing you, I'll definitely be late." Tank says, then he turns back. "We've got 10 minutes before I'm pushing for time." He pauses for just a moment, turning to look at me again, "If you get up, and put the clothes on, I'll give you a kiss over here." He says.

I sigh, dragging my feet off the couch to stand, letting the blanket fall off of me. Exposed to the air, nude, a shiver passes through my body. I grab the shirt and shorts Tank passed off to me, and make a mental note that the next time I come over, I'm bringing some clothes. I almost pull on the shirt, but hesitate, deciding it's too perfect of an opportunity to tease.

Finally standing, I round the couch, and slot myself between Tank's legs. His eyes dart over to me quickly, a small smile building on his face that is quickly stopped and set into a hard line as he sees me. He locks his phone and pockets it, glaring at me face to face. "I said if you put the clothes on." He says, voice stern. But, I don't miss the way his eyes drag down my body, hesitating.

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