18 (angst, smut)

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The beginning of the week passes relatively normally, me and Tank hardly text, but we're both busy, so it's understandable. But as the weekend approaches with no plans to see each other I get nervous. It's stupid, but I feel too insecure to flat out ask him to meet.

It's already Thursday night, and I assumed I'd be seeing him tomorrow, but Tank has been radio silent all day. I decide to send him a picture, trying to bait him into asking me over. It's a simple picture, I'm wearing one of his shirts that I kept and washed. I have it rolled up my hips, thighs bared as I sit on the floor in front of my mirror, a well placed hand blocking the moneyshot. Nothing too explicit, just enough skin to tease him. I steel myself and send it.

'Attachment 1' 8:45 pm

I lay back on my bed, trying to calm my nerves as I wait for a reply, which comes faster than expected.

'Fuck' 8:47 pm
'Baby you look so good like that.' 8:47 pm

My stomach dips with flutters, but I keep my phone down, hoping I get the text I'm looking for. I wait another few minutes, but don't get another text, so I finally reply.

'🥰' 8:55 pm
'can't wait to come over soon and steal a few more shirts to add to my collection' 8:55 pm

I send my texts to him, pushing my luck, and trying to get my point across.

'Lmao. I'm going to have to start hiding them.' 8:56 pm
'I guess I'll just have to wear riot gear 24/7 if all of my shirts disappear.' 8:57 pm

'🙈 that'd be okay with me' 8:58 pm
'the riot gear stays on DURING sex' 8:59 pm

'If you say so.' 9:00 pm

I wait again, hoping for another text inviting me over that never comes. I groan in frustration and skulk out of my room, needing to vent.

Nora looks up at me from where she's laying in the living room, on the floor again for no reason. She lights up seeing my contorted face, "Oh my god." She says, immediately sitting up, "Please tell me about it." She says.

I flop on the couch behind her and throw my phone at her, already open to the conversation with Tank.

"Tell me what the fuck I need to say to get him to make some plans." I say with a groan. She pauses for a minute as she reads through the texts. "Hm." She starts, leaning her head back against me. "Do you want good advice or bad advice?" She asks.

I bite my nail for a second, considering. "Both." I say. "Good first." Nora nods, still fingering through the texts for reference. "I would say, you're literally both adults. Ask him point blank, 'When can I see you this weekend?' He could just be acting a little dense, or maybe he's feeling a little insecure himself." She says. I sigh, "And the bad advice?" Nora hm's for a moment, finger pausing on my second text, "Wait it out. You've been more than clear that you want him to invite you over, the ball is in his court." She says.

I groan, dragging my hands over my face, "Why do those both seem like awful options?" I say staring up at the ceiling. Just then my phone chimes again, still open in Nora's hands. We look at it at the same time.

'Attachment 1' 9:07 pm

I yelp, jumping to rip my phone out of her hands as I catch the picture out of the corner of my eye, only clearly seeing a stripe of skin before spurring into motion. Nora gives up the phone with relative ease, but still pouts at me. "Can you ask him to send me one too?" She says. I roll my eyes and check the message, angling my phone carefully.

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