10 (plot, fluff)

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I'm exhausted, still wrapped in Tank's arms when I hear the crunch of approaching footsteps. I lower in the water, afraid the person will notice I'm not exactly- dressed to swim. Tank's arms tighten around me protectively. He arches his neck, seeking out the source of the footsteps, relaxing slightly when he sees the source, a middle aged man with his hair pulled tight in a low bun. "Hey man," the person says approaching us still. I shoot Tank a look of confusion as the person approaches ever closer. He shoots me back a look thats only mildly soothing. As the person gets closer, Tank reaches up to clap his arm together with the man, other arm keeping me close. "What're you out here for?" Tank asks him. I try to hide myself behind Tank's arm, feeling embarrassed and vulnerable.

"Oh I was just doing some mapping." He produces a small notepad from his pocket, turning it toward Tank, a mess of scribbled notes. "They're trying to find a good place around here to make a group selection." The man's eyes dart toward me quickly, like a question. Tank's hand soothingly runs down my back, as though he can feel my embarrassment radiating off of me. "Yeah, that so? Well that's cool man." Tank replies smoothly. "Yeah well," the man replies, glancing back at me, "I'll leave you to it then." He winks quickly at Tank and walks on, stopping to note a few trees. I'm silent until I'm positive the man is out of hearing range.

I turn to Tank wide eyed, "What was that?" He looks at me sheepishly, hand rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh," he pauses, "I guess you could say that's my co-worker Marcus." I fix him a look, knowing that isn't the full story. "Co-worker? What's your job?" After asking the question embarrassment coils in my belly, knowing I've been fucked into oblivion by this man, but don't know his job, or really, anything else about him. "Uh," he rubs his chin, avoiding my eyes, "I guess the title is technically wildlife biologist?" My lips part in surprise, suddenly feeling underqualified to be under him. I fix him with an appraising look, eyes narrowed. "What do you do?" He sucks in his teeth, blush high on his cheek. "Forest preservation, but I promise I'm not like... a freak." I blush, laughing at him. "You? Never." He smiles back, dragging me into his arms, clearly still flustered.

I look around us, at the surrounding forest and put two and two together. "Are we in the forest you preserve right now?" He freezes for a moment, then turns his face into my neck, stubble lightly scratching at me. He deliberates a moment before his reply, "What if I said yes?" God he's fucking cute. I worm out of his arms putting some distance between us, Tank looks bewildered, apology on the tip of his tongue. I move before he can and splash him with water. "I'd do that." I say resolutely, with a defiant smile. Tank's lips spread into a massive grin, blinking water out of his eyes, he springs forward, grabbing me around the waist. "TANK-" I shout, too late. He spins me, throwing me into the water. He follows me, grabbing me again, I laugh, momentarily euphoric to be dragged around in the water. He kisses me again, lightly. The embarrassment churns in my gut again, as I realize Tank might be way too good for me. I hide my embarrassment by crowding in closer, resolute to ignore the negative thoughts that make me feel like I'm not enough.

I turn my back to Tank, leaning against the length of his body. His hands wrap tightly around me, and he rests his chin on top of my head, "So like, if I were to point at that tree and ask-" Tank's laugh rumbles against my back, "Eastern White Pine." He replies before I can finish the question. I shift in surprise, "That was kinda hot." I remark, my hands coming up to wrap around his. He lowers his mouth to my ear, kissing the tender skin there, "Just wait until I start identifying different types of puffball mushrooms." I'm embarrassed to admit the dip I feel in my stomach, his laugh rumbling in his chest, obviously unaware to how affected I am.

I push away from him to create some distance before I come onto him again, resolute to have a conversation without fucking. But he makes it... hard, every movement almost pornographic when he looks like... that. "Enough about me, what do you do?" He questions, pulling me from my thoughts. "Oh I'm," I think for a minute, "I'm not really anything in particular yet." I itch my chin with my thumb, looking up at the sky shifting into sunset. "I'm in school for design. I have a year left," I remember my homework I'm blowing off and cringe internally. "I also work. I have an internship at the University. Uh," I look back him, my turn to be sheepish. "Speaking of, I actually really need to get back home so I can do my work."

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