20 (SMUT, fluff, & also smut)

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We stay wrapped in eachother's arms, neither of us daring to break the silence and ruin the moment for a long while. Eventually I feel Tank stir, pressing another kiss to the back of my head. "It's already after noon." He says, "What do you want to do today?" He asks. I shift in his arms, whining because I don't want to break the moment yet.

Tank's arms tighten around me, holding me close. "Okay, okay." He says. "We don't have to do anything."

I sigh, nuzzling against his arm. "I just want to be with you." I start, answering his question. "I want some time with you before next weekend, because I doubt we'll get much time to be alone." I mumble into his arm, feeling sheepish.

Tank huffs a small laugh behind me. "That's fair." He says, hands lightly rubbing against my skin. "I was thinking about showering." He says, speaking again, voice soft. I feel a little disappointed to stop cuddling, but nod anyways. Tank releases me and flips over, swinging himself out of bed. I turn as well, following his movement with my eyes. My arms wrap around a pillow that I bury my face into, watching him.

Tank hesitates next to the bed, hand coming down to rest on my hip. "You wanna come join? I promise I'm not trying to fuck you this time." He says with a laugh.

I blink at him slowly, feeling coy. "Oh you aren't? Then no." I say, hiding my smile, and settling deeper into the bed.

Tank rolls his eyes, a small laugh rumbling out of him as he leans forward and rips the blanket off of me. His hand grips my hip, pulling me forward, essentially forcing me to get up. I smile back at him, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. I stand up for only a second before my legs fold underneath of me and I flop right back down to sitting on the mattress.

My humored expression is wiped from my face, replaced with burning embarrassment. I can hear Tank stifling another laugh as his hands wrap around my waist, reeling me up and supporting me as I stand. Even leaning against him, my legs are shaking, threatening to give out. Hearing Tank laugh again I lightly hit his chest in protest. "Don't laugh, you did this." I say with a pout.

Tank freezes, successfully reigning in his laughter. "I'm sorry." He says. Immediately he becomes attentive, trying to soothe my upset with his hands. We take a single step toward the bathroom and I wobble, even with his support, almost falling. Tank sighs.

I feel embarrassed, hoping he's not annoyed with me for only a moment before I feel him lean down, hooking his arms around my hips and lifting me up to him. I hardly protest, melting against him as I wrap my legs around his back and drop my head to his shoulder, allowing myself to be man-handled. He supports me with one arm around my waist, carrying me to the bathroom with him.

Tank's free hand opens the door and flicks on the light before he sits on the edge of the tub with me, running the water. He hm's for a moment, hand coming to softly stroke my back. "Maybe a bath would be better." He says, dipping his head to press a kiss to my shoulder. I nod against his chest. He takes this as enough affirmation and leans back, preparing a bath.

I stay relaxed in his arms, letting him take care of everything. After a moment, Tank stands up, both hands steadying me against him. He steps into the now full tub and lowers us into the prepared water. I flinch as the water hits my legs, almost too hot for my aching muscles.

After settling in the bath, Tank flips me so my back is flush with his chest. I'm comfortable lounging against him, fully submerged except for my shoulders up. I laugh for a second, feeling bad for Tank, noticing the way his legs barely fit in the tub. I relax against him as he starts moving, lathering us with soap.

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