17 (FLUFF, plot)

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I wake up, feeling exhausted. My fingers flex tentatively as I pull my body back into consciousness. I think it might be the next morning but it's hard to tell- as the rain is still coming down hard. Over the rain I can hear music, drifting from elsewhere in the apartment, muffled by the walls. As I open my eyes, I find that Tank is already up, idly scrolling his phone. "Hey," I say, voice still laden with sleep as I stretch and attempt to wake up.

Tank turns to face me, slightly startled out of what he was doing. "Sorry," he says. "I didn't mean to wake you." He pockets his phone and rests one of his hands on my waist, the other folds under him, supporting his head as he watches me wake up. "Couldn't get back to sleep with the music going." He says.

"It's okay," I say quickly to reassure him, blinking sleep from my eyes. The music increases in volume as a new song starts, erasing the thought I previously had. Tank's head cocks as he listens to it, "Someone's really enjoying themselves." He says. I huff a quick laugh. Rolling my eyes as I briefly listen to the music. "Ah, oldies." I comment, after listening. "Nora always listens to the oldies when she cleans."

I rock slowly, lifting myself out of bed. "I'll go ask her to turn it down if it's bothering-" before I can finish stepping away from the bed, Tank sits up and catches me. He sits on the edge of the bed and quickly wraps his arms around my waist drawing me in between his legs. I'm a bit thankful for it, as my legs buckle underneath of me, feeling weaker than I realized.

Tank looks up at me, almost eye level, as our bodies press together. My hands instinctively reach up to cup his face as we drift closer, looking at each other. Our lips meet, soft. My eyes flutter shut and he kisses me as I melt against him. After a moment our lips part, the room stays quiet as we breathe in eachother's space. When he speaks it's soft, "I kind of like the music," he says. I nod in response, brain feeling fuzzy.

As the next song plays, Tank rises to his full height, towering over me as he stands next to me. He crowds up next to me, hands on my waist as he pulls me into his arms.

Tank hums along with the song playing. Starting to sway on his feet in some form of bastardization of an actual dance. I laugh softly, blush rising high on my cheeks, but allow myself to be vulnerable. I go soft against him, laying my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around his back, stepping along with him.

His hands are warm where they cradle me in his arms. My eyes close again as I melt into the moment, listening to the hum low in his chest where my ear rests. "You're such a softie." I say into his chest.

Tank shrugs, hands loosening on my waist. "Well you're-" He starts but is interrupted by a loud crack of thunder. I jump with a yelp, clinging to him. He laughs at me, full body laughs at me. After his laugh dies down he kisses my forehead. In the followed silence the moment slips away and we break apart. I move to the closet to look for some clothes and he stays near the bed.

Tank looks around my room, eyes grazing the floor, searching. When he doesn't find what he's looking for he addresses me, "Have you seen my shirt?" He asks, hand idly dipping to itch his stomach near the waistband of his shorts. I shrug, seeing his shirt near me on the floor, feeling coy.

I pluck his shirt off the ground quickly and slip it on while he isn't paying attention. "No, I don't see it, maybe you should try looking over here." I pause for a second, fighting a laugh, "Maybe I'm just missing it." Tank looks up at me, brow furrowed, "Yeah it didn't-" he stops, face going lax in surprise as he processes that it's already on me.

I maintain my facade for a little longer, "I mean if we can't find it, I could just wash some of your other shirts I've brought home, I've been meaning to do laundry anyways." I say with a small shrug, fighting the smile on my face.

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