Author's Note

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This is the end of the main 'story'.

There will be updates as epilogues/extras, but it won't follow a super definitive timeline like the story does. This is 'complete'.

Tysm for reading and supporting this, it's been a wild fucking ride tbh 🧍🏻

If you like my writing check out my other fic Stray! (It's got feral Tank) It's on-going, I just started it.

I'd love to hear what you guys want to see out of this relationship still!

I have slated to write edging next chapter, then at some point people want her to tie him up fr fr.

Then maybe I wanted to make em get lost in the woods and camp or something fun.

Updates won't be as frequent now, since the story is complete, chapters will just be whatever fun stuff we think we want to see lmao.



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