4 (smut)

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I wake up a third time, feeling warm and safe. The weight of Tank pressed against my body pinning me down. I begin to wriggle, securing my release. The movement stirs Tank, with a groan, he rolls to the side fully releasing me from under him. Now next to him, I turn toward him. With our eyes level, we face each other. Tank's eyes move beneath his eyelids but he's still asleep.

In the quiet moment I take time to study his face. Even his face looks strong, with a pronounced brow and sharp nose, yet soft, with a flush in his cheeks. My hand moves forward and I drag my thumb across his lips, other fingers hooking around his jaw. He stirs again, eyes opening slowly as he comes to.

As he fully opens his eyes, his face sets with intensity until he looks at me, which then softens his face with a small smile reaching the corner of his eyes. My confidence falters under the attention, but I don't pull away.

"Hey," he breaks the silence first. I feel his lips move under my thumb. "Hey," I respond. The circumstances of this morning do not escape me. There is another moment of silence before I push myself lower on the couch, until I can press my face into his chest. I burrow there, opting to hide my embarrassment this way. A rumble escapes from his chest, sounding something like a laugh.

His hand trails the length of my body before tangling in my hair. With a firm grip he pulls my hair, forcing me to look up at him. He swallows my protests with a deep kiss and cradles my face with his other hand. Once he finishes kissing me dumb, he pulls back, leaving me floundering as I look up at him. "Hey," he repeats, softer this time, with more intention. His eyes bore down at me for a moment, before he dips to kiss me again, accented with a soft bite to my lip. A now familiar heat curls in my stomach, and I find myself embarrassed at what quick work he makes of me.

Before I realize it, a moan escapes my lips, chased quickly by embarrassment. A chuckle rumbles from Tank, just under my finger tips. I move to wrap my arms around his neck. His hand still rests in my hair, thumb tracing a comforting rhythm against the base of my neck. He moves his other hand to my hip, the crescent of his thumbnail pressing into the sensitive skin there. I barely manage the movement of my hips as I work to roll my body against his, trying to grind against his length. The strength of his hand on my hips restrains me enough that I can't find the friction I need, I realize, purposefully.

I whine, breathy, and tighten my arms in a successful attempt to drag him closer to me. I'm desperate for relief, heat rolling low in my center. But Tank continues to restrain me at my hip, unrelenting. I whine louder, feeling the pull of his mouth form into a smirk against my lips, as he kisses me. I'm fighting, futilely, against him now to feel his body pressed to mine. I moan and whine in protest at his sudden unfairness, hips bucking against nothing.

Tank moves his mouth, stifling a low laugh against the small of my throat. He rolls the skin between his teeth, then soothes the love bite with a long stripe of his tongue. "You don't get it yet," he breathes against my neck before moving up, breath hot in my ear. "Baby," he starts, "you have to ask."

My thighs squeeze together, and I feel pure lust burning in my abdomen as I work to stop the previous fuck's slick-cum mixture that threatens to drip down my thighs. I consider his words. With a burst of confidence I swing my leg around his hip and propel us, until he's laying on his back, and I'm straddling him, sitting up. I look down at the wild look in his eyes, his mouth cocked in surprise, assuming that I look similarly gone staring down at him.

I slide my legs open further, as Tank's hands seemingly instinctively reach up to rest on my hips. Pushing my luck, I feel his hardening cock pressing against my pussy, I grind down. He bucks into it, making me moan. Hands balled against his chest I lean down to him. "Please," I say, eyes locked with his, "make me cum."

His hands on my hips wrap around my waist in a steel grip, and the look in his eyes darkens. With an animalistic snarl he lifts us both off of the couch, propelling us forward until my back connects with a wall, knocking the air out of me. His arms quickly abandon my waist and bracket me in. My legs scramble for purchase, winding their way around him, clamping his body against mine like a vice. The movement grinds his cock against me roughly. We moan in tandem, and his back arches, curving his body in to where we meet. Eye level with his chest, I look up at him looming over me. He's panting, desperate desire in his eyes reflected back down at me. Using my free hands I finally rip my shirt off and throw it to the side before moving on to claw his boxers off.

I manage to get them halfway off his ass before his arm wraps back around my waist, to momentarily support me so he can fully shed his underwear. His hard cock springs out and slides between my pussy lips like it belongs there. I feel myself pulse with the absolute need to be filled.

Tank pushes me back against the wall with a thump and makes a few aborted thrusts against my slick. He growls low in his throat as I arch my body to meet him. One of my hands slips between us, grabbing his cock to line it up with my entrance. My hand tightens around the base of his shaft as the tip of his cock slides into me, guiding him to go deeper.

Tank is silent, except for the very few muffled groans that manage to pass his lips. I on the other hand, escalate my voice, accenting each of his shallow thrusts with a needy moan, until I'm begging him to keep fucking into me. Suddenly, with force, Tank begins thrusting into me, fucking me with nearly inhuman ferocity. The room fills with wanton moans on the verge of yelling as I scramble against his back, raking it with my nails. My pussy pulses with satisfaction as his girth fills me, and his length hits deep.

I listen for his soft moans, often covered by the sound of our skin slapping against each other. The heat quickly builds in my stomach, and I cling to him, thighs already shaking, threatening to give out on me. Coiling against him as I begin to cum before I can even say anything. I keen, fucked completely senseless. My eyes flutter shut as I pulse around his cock. He pants wildly against my throat, tongue darting out to taste my sweat.

"Fuck," he chokes out, "fuck." The rhythm established by his hips stutters, as he jerks into my pussy, filling in it with cum. He pants, open-mouthed, biting down on my shoulder. My legs lock around him, holding his cum inside of me. We stay like that for a minute, breathing together with our heads swimming. Eventually his arms wrap back around my waist. Without pulling out he carries me to his bed. He lays me into the bed with the delicateness of a claimed prize and finally slips his cock out. Instinctively my fingers move between my
legs, and I insert them to hold the cum inside of me.

Tank takes in the sight, swearing under his breath, and covers my body with his own, peppering my neck and breasts with small biting kisses. He moves lower, mouth growing more demanding as he makes space for himself between my legs. He lowers himself and presses and open mouth kiss to my pussy, licking his own cum out of my tender hole.

The caress of his tongue causes me to shudder in pleasure. My thighs are already sensitive with previous beard burn, so the familiar scape against my thighs has me squirming. His tongue fucks inside of me, eating his own cum with confidence, trailing back up to my clit, where he tongues at the sensitive part. The intensity of his actions pull me close to climax already. I reach out and grab one of his hands, and drag it up my body to rest on my breast.  Getting the hint, Tank begins fondling my breast, pinching my nipple and rolling it between his fingers.

As quickly as it began I rush into a second orgasm, tangling my hand in Tank's hair, shouting as I climax. I press his face against my pussy, riding his tongue until I stop pulsing. Exhausted, I tug at his hair, to signal him to come up before I go limp in the bed. He detaches his mouth from my pussy with a pop and wipes my slick from his chin with the back of his arm.

He sits up next to me, breath evening out as he looks around his room, flush high on his cheeks. I mumble softly and reach for him, "Don't leave me," I ask him. "Please." He looks back down at me with intensity, thumb tracing my lips. "I'm here," he settles in next to me, pressing against me, breath hot in my ear, "I'm here, baby."

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