Resolution (smut, plot, fluff)

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I can hear Tank dragging in a deep breath as I keep pressed to his back. "I want to turn and kiss you, but I'm so fucking afraid I'm dreaming right now—" He says, still shaking under my hands.

I laugh, and release him, quickly coming around until I'm in front of him. I have just enough time to look into his eyes and see the desperation there before I fist my hands in his shirt and pull him down. I surge up to meet his lips.

Tank is frozen for a moment, hands coming forward in an aborted motion with a small, wild noise deep in his throat. Suddenly, as though kicking into gear he reacts, pressing into the kiss with fervor. I smile against his mouth, letting my eyes fall shut as his hands feel like they're everywhere on me, all at once.

Tank keeps pressing forward, moving against my lips deep enough that I'm pushed back. I hook my arms around his shoulders as he keeps grabbing everywhere, pulling me toward him even as we stumble backwards. I feel my foot catch on a stray stick. I yelp against his mouth as I trip, but he catches me, two hands on the ass, and lifts me into his arms, crashing our mouths back together. Despite the desperation of the kiss, something about it is sweet, tender.

I wrap my legs around him, lifting myself to slide our tongues together like we can communicate everything we've been feeling just like this. Still kissing, I feel as Tank starts walking us with purpose. I exhale into his mouth as my back connects with something hard, and realize we're on the hood of my car.

Now supported, I lift my hands from his shoulders to grip his hair. Tank moans into my mouth and the tone of the kiss shifts from tenderness to heat. I let my legs fall apart, trying to press us together. He follows the motion obediently, putting the pressure of his cock right where I want it.

I arch against Tank, still pressing into the kiss as I move my hips, grinding down. I hear myself whining into his mouth before he lifts himself, biting my lip as he goes. He moves fast, ripping off my shorts, hands jamming up my hoodie to pull it up and off. I expect to feel him back on me, hard and fast, but he stills.

I blink up at Tank, panting to catch my breath, before I realize his eyes are locked to my shirt. Well, his shirt. I shy under the attention, feeling caught. His eyes drag up my body to my face.

Tank's expression looks gutted. "You're... this is mine." He says, quiet. "You were wearing this the whole time?" He asks, voice cracking. I nod, embarrassment getting the best of me as I lift the neck of the shirt to hide my face, up to my eyes, in it.

Tank lifts his hands, fingers carefully hooking into the fabric and pulling it back down to expose my mouth. He presses a kiss to my lips that he doesn't move to make any deeper. It's soft, gentle, I melt into it, shedding my embarrassment as I lift a hand to hold his arm. He breaks the kiss and drops his head to my shoulder, moving to plant both of his hands on my hips under the shirt. He holds himself there, just breathing.

I lift my hands back onTo Tank's shoulders dragging my them down his back soothingly. I can feel that he's shaking under my touch again. We stay like that for a while, silent, existing in each other's space.

Tank finally moves, pressing a feather light kiss to my cheek. He pulls back, just enough to address me. "We should do this right. At home." He says, soft. I see him blink back tears before he shifts, trying to pull all the way off.

I catch his shoulders, desperately trying to pull him back down. He stops, but doesn't move any closer, supporting himself with both palms pressed flat to the car, bracketing me in.

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